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I need help reversing SpeedMult


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Hi, I've been searching and searching for a way to reverse the CC "player.modav speedmult" as I set it to 250 and then realized that was too fast and so far I have learned that you need to damage a leg in order for SpeedMult to reset. I've tried just standing there and waiting for an enemy to bash my leg in or something but I just get killed every time. I also tried using "player.damageav speedmult 1" and "player.setav speedmult 100" to reset it and those did not work. If anyone knows what the actual process to change or reverse SpeedMult is please let me know! Thanks.


EDIT: Like the last time I posted a question I found the answer myself *facepalm*. If anyone else is having this issue the quick way to fix it is to use the console command "player.forceav speedmult 100" but if anyone knows how to do it by damaging your leg please post for reference! Thanks

Edited by rainbowgalaxian
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