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Help finding info about weapons/armor from a pre-existing mod?


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Hey all, I'm about as new to modding as you can get. The only experience I have is just with using the console and installing mods, and I'd like see if I can get some help here digging deeper than that. I downloaded a mod that includes several cut weapons/armors, and want to see where they're located, or what their stats are before I do a playthrough with it. The only problem is that the author hasn't put any info as to either, and doesn't seem intent on doing so anytime soon. It rubs me the wrong way to not vet my mods before I DL them - I just want to know exactly what I'm putting into my game before I dedicate it into a full playthrough, as I'm decently picky over details. I downloaded both the GECK and FO3Edit to try and find what I need, but I'm at a loss here, as I'm just starting to understand these programs. I couldn't find any of the weapons on the GECK, and when I pulled up the ESM on FO3Edit, I could only find a few of the weapons added, and if there was info there as to what cell or NPC they were located in/on, I couldn't see it or find it.

(Also, sorry if I formatted this post incorrectly, I'm also brand new to the forums.)

I'd appreciate any help I can get here, thanks for your time.

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In FO3Edit .. weapon and armor records tell you what the stats are .. and are found in the weapon and armor trees ... as for finding them in game .. select a record .. look at the bottom of the right pane near the pane divider for a tab labelled "Referenced By" .. that tab will tell you where those records are referenced .. double click one to take you to the referencing record .. , note the name of any cells.


In the GECK .. weapon and armor record branches are found under the 'Items' tree .. find a record from the mod , right click it "Use info" .. that will tell you where or what .. if any .. the record is referenced by .. if it's used in a cell, you can double click that to open that cell in the Render window, where the top left corner of the frame should show the cell name, and the Cell view window should also show the cell name.

Edited by skittered
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