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Head bobbing?


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It surprised me to see that Bethesda *still* hasn't included something as simple as this in their games, considering they are designed to be played from a 1st person perspective. Even more curious, as a baby you do get this effect when walking, but it goes away after that.


So is it possible to create a mod which would add head bobbing when walking? The current system, as usual, feels like my character is on rails...

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Personally, I'm fine with not bobbing around. It's not something we consciously notice walking around; to us, walking feels smooth. A smooth camera motion simulates that to me, while the "It's like you're actually walking" cameras always felt forced.
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Well, it's a matter of perception. To me walking does not feel smooth, it feels like it has a rhythm. I expect the same from a game which simulates walking. Seriously, both Morrowind, Oblivion and now Fallout 3 feel like my character is either having wheels instead of legs or is trying extra hard not to move his head one bit. I invariably end up tying to play in 3rd person view, but that's not the same.


There is a reason 90% of all first person perspective games have head bobbing. There is a mod which adds head bobbing to Oblivion, its subtle but the difference is massive.

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Well, I just tried walking around, trying to pay attention for that, and either I'm weird, you're weird, or it's just a person-to-person thing. I'm inclined to believe the latter, but who am I to know? What I do know, is that walking feels perfectly smooth to me, and not something that has a bob or rhythm in it.
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Here is a list of camera changes this game (and all other games SHOULD have):

- A momentum based camera sway.

- Camera shaking (accelerated by movement speed).

- Bobble effect.

- Gun and arm bouncing (minor not major movement).


This will make the experience much more immersive and will pull the player into the experience. I wish I knew how to do all of this, but I am researcing as muc as I can to literally kill the terrible Bethesda camera.

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  • 1 year later...
well i walked when i read this and i just barely notice it thinking about it makes you notice it the only other time i noticed it without thinking about it was when i was running my first marathon :P
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