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shiny terxtures


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OK, this may have been answered earlier,


I make a diffuused map, desaturate, 1/4 scale it from 2048 to 512 then save in GIMP as _m.dds. Nifskope, 6th line BSlighting, I ref it(6th line in Nifskope, textuers\etc\ _m.dds), but it doesn't effect my mod. burnt and lightenend the parts I want to shine (white=shine, black=dull)


I'm a 49 nyear old codger, but most things I grasp. This is annoying me no end, why doesn't even an all black _m stop my mod rerflecting like a sheet of glass?


using a bslighting off studded, but I've swappwd the cube maps to shinydull_e.dds and tried shinydullds_e.dds


can anyone help please?

Edited by gooseman118
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I just saw this thread for the first time.....


One, you need to be a bit patient not everyone who knows the answer is going to be online right when you need help. I myself have unanswered questions out there. Mostly because I think there aren't many people that truly know.


Two, I was under the impression that the _n file is the one that controlled the shine. I have no clue what an _m file is. I put my _n files in the 2nd line of textures in nifskope. It could be that your file is just in the wrong slot and not getting used. who knows.


Three, this site isn't strictly American. There are many people from around the globe that use this site both as modder and as users.


Four, you posted your question under "Skyrim Techinical Support" which this topic doesn't fall under. It would have reached a more appropriate audience in the "Skyrim Mod Talk" section instead since you are attempting to mod Skyrim.

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