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[WIP] The Inheritance

Guest deleted2159825

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Yeah, I personally love the way this mod handles the large reward by putting you in difficult situations as a result of it. Situations which question your morality, ethics, and whether or not you're willing to forfeit your wealth for them. This not only adds a sense of realism, but it keeps things interesting for the player. Having to deal with the consequences of your wealth is a much more valuable and rewarding experience than wealth on its own. Edited by Appendant
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Guest deleted2159825



Thanks for the support and kind words.


After an exhausting move, I'm finally getting settled in the new home, and thus modding has resumed. All the sidequests that branch off the primary questline are more or less finished (with some clutter, notes, and polishing remaining), though I've begun work on one additional sidequest (I swear, it's the last), "Repaid in Full", which is another scripting experiment in anticipation of Zulu, as well as a fun mission for NCR-friendly characters. It centers on Ranger Beaumont's efforts to reclaim and defend RS Charlie, which the player will facilitate as a short-term contractor.


I will be posting a finalized list of voice roles in the thread soon (probably tonight). Thanks for the feedback and encouragement!

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825



Just an update for the holidays: I will be out of town for ~10 days, so work on The Inheritance is paused until I return home. However, I will still have internet access, so I'll still be active on the forums, and will likely invest some time working on design docs for future projects (as I finished writing The Inheritance and Firebase Zulu months ago).


Base on the current notes for The Inheritance, here is an updated overview:

- The primary, titular quest provides ~ 1.5 hours of gameplay, three weapons, and four new locations (one of which remains and "evolves" depending on the player's actions)

- Four extant sidequests:

- "Fiend's Ransom":

Learning of the Courier's newfound wealth, Fiends kidnap a Westside child and hold him for a hefty ransom.


- "Think of the Children!":

An amicable woman seeks the Courier's assistance in funding an orphanage.


- "Fiends Anonymous":

A Followers physician seeks to establish a rehab clinic for Fiends, but a vindictive ranger has other plans...


- "Repaid in Full":

Hearing of the Courier's feats, Ranger Beaumont contracts him/her to defend RS Charlie, all while the NCR brass investigates Beaumont's competence and mental stability.



I've decided that this is it for the mod - no more feature creep, come hell or high water. Firebase Zulu is waiting in the wings, and I'm eager to resume work on it. All that remains is finishing "Repaid in Full", polishing up encounters, scripting some dungeon "evolution", and then concluding voicework. If you have questions or suggestions, post away!


Happy Holidays!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deleted2159825



I’m happy to report that after a long, restful holiday I will be resuming work on The Inheritance tomorrow or Wednesday. The majority of the voicework is complete, though I feel a good deal of polishing and a final round of testing will be in order before releasing the plugin. Additionally, I will be posting the final batch of acting parts, all of which originate in sidequests (referenced in my last post).


Taking into consideration my penchant for perfectionism, it’s safe to predict the mod will be released in late January or early February.

If you’re curious about my plans after this project, here is a broad outline for 2013:

- January/February: Release and patch The Inheritance

- March/April: Release a re-voiced version of NVBI (it’s been a long time coming), and an update for NVBII which will include several new quests. More importantly, these updates will link all my plugins together with the someguyseries.esm (so decisions and actions in one mod will have effects in another, not to mention clearing up chronological discrepancies or questions).

- April/May: Resume work on Firebase Zulu

- July/August: Release and patch Firebase Zulu

- September/October: Begin work on either NVBIII or Six Swords (my scheme to adapt Seven Samurai to Skyrim).


I did manage to get a great deal of writing done over the break, primarily working on treatments for Sinners and Slaves (a blend of Inglorious Basterds and Spartacus, set deep in Legion territory) and NVBIII.


I couldn’t help but scribble more notes for NVBIII after seeing Django Unchained (Samuel L. Jackson seems like a lock for Best Supporting Actor) and re-viewing The Great Silence, which is the chief influence for NVBIII’s setting and tone. The only dilemma with NVBIII is selecting a script – currently I have three versions, each with markedly divergent endings,

as, “Dark, Darker, and the Lake of Fire.”


It remains to be seen how things will pan out, as NVBIII is several projects away. However, for those of you eager to conclude the series, know that it is always on my mind, particularly as I look past Firebase Zulu. In the meantime, I heartily recommend Corbucci’s masterpiece if you’re keen to gain insight into some of the themes and characters present in NVBIII. If nothing else, watch it for the ending - gutsy, brilliant filmmaking.


Anyway, enough rambling – have a happy 2013, and best of luck to all my fellow modders with their endeavors!

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I assume that means that Bradley and Heinz are up to snuff? I always worry after sending in stuff and not knowing. :)




I’m happy to report that after a long, restful holiday I will be resuming work on The Inheritance tomorrow or Wednesday. The majority of the voicework is complete, though I feel a good deal of polishing and a final round of testing will be in order before releasing the plugin. Additionally, I will be posting the final batch of acting parts, all of which originate in sidequests (referenced in my last post).


Taking into consideration my penchant for perfectionism, it’s safe to predict the mod will be released in late January or early February.

If you’re curious about my plans after this project, here is a broad outline for 2013:

- January/February: Release and patch The Inheritance

- March/April: Release a re-voiced version of NVBI (it’s been a long time coming), and an update for NVBII which will include several new quests. More importantly, these updates will link all my plugins together with the someguyseries.esm (so decisions and actions in one mod will have effects in another, not to mention clearing up chronological discrepancies or questions).

- April/May: Resume work on Firebase Zulu

- July/August: Release and patch Firebase Zulu

- September/October: Begin work on either NVBIII or Six Swords (my scheme to adapt Seven Samurai to Skyrim).


I did manage to get a great deal of writing done over the break, primarily working on treatments for Sinners and Slaves (a blend of Inglorious Basterds and Spartacus, set deep in Legion territory) and NVBIII.


I couldn’t help but scribble more notes for NVBIII after seeing Django Unchained (Samuel L. Jackson seems like a lock for Best Supporting Actor) and re-viewing The Great Silence, which is the chief influence for NVBIII’s setting and tone. The only dilemma with NVBIII is selecting a script – currently I have three versions, each with markedly divergent endings,

as, “Dark, Darker, and the Lake of Fire.”


It remains to be seen how things will pan out, as NVBIII is several projects away. However, for those of you eager to conclude the series, know that it is always on my mind, particularly as I look past Firebase Zulu. In the meantime, I heartily recommend Corbucci’s masterpiece if you’re keen to gain insight into some of the themes and characters present in NVBIII. If nothing else, watch it for the ending - gutsy, brilliant filmmaking.


Anyway, enough rambling – have a happy 2013, and best of luck to all my fellow modders with their endeavors!

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The name "Six Swords" reminds me of this long and kinda confusing Hong Kong film called "Seven Swords". Might be worth a look to get some inspiration nonetheless.


Anyway, good luck with the mods man! I highly enjoyed NVBII even though I've only run into three of the random ambushes (the one in the casino, the one outside McCarren, and the one near Vault 3).

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I’m happy to report that after a long, restful holiday I will be resuming work on The Inheritance tomorrow or Wednesday. The majority of the voicework is complete, though I feel a good deal of polishing and a final round of testing will be in order before releasing the plugin. Additionally, I will be posting the final batch of acting parts, all of which originate in sidequests (referenced in my last post).


Taking into consideration my penchant for perfectionism, it’s safe to predict the mod will be released in late January or early February.

If you’re curious about my plans after this project, here is a broad outline for 2013:

- January/February: Release and patch The Inheritance

- March/April: Release a re-voiced version of NVBI (it’s been a long time coming), and an update for NVBII which will include several new quests. More importantly, these updates will link all my plugins together with the someguyseries.esm (so decisions and actions in one mod will have effects in another, not to mention clearing up chronological discrepancies or questions).

- April/May: Resume work on Firebase Zulu

- July/August: Release and patch Firebase Zulu

- September/October: Begin work on either NVBIII or Six Swords (my scheme to adapt Seven Samurai to Skyrim).


I did manage to get a great deal of writing done over the break, primarily working on treatments for Sinners and Slaves (a blend of Inglorious Basterds and Spartacus, set deep in Legion territory) and NVBIII.


I couldn’t help but scribble more notes for NVBIII after seeing Django Unchained (Samuel L. Jackson seems like a lock for Best Supporting Actor) and re-viewing The Great Silence, which is the chief influence for NVBIII’s setting and tone. The only dilemma with NVBIII is selecting a script – currently I have three versions, each with markedly divergent endings,

as, “Dark, Darker, and the Lake of Fire.”


It remains to be seen how things will pan out, as NVBIII is several projects away. However, for those of you eager to conclude the series, know that it is always on my mind, particularly as I look past Firebase Zulu. In the meantime, I heartily recommend Corbucci’s masterpiece if you’re keen to gain insight into some of the themes and characters present in NVBIII. If nothing else, watch it for the ending - gutsy, brilliant filmmaking.


Anyway, enough rambling – have a happy 2013, and best of luck to all my fellow modders with their endeavors!


WOW. All this sounds not just awesome, it F*CKING EPIC . Sorry for caps , but you mods are always awesome and I am looking forward to playing any of these. Though I must note that I am most of all exited for the NVB stuff, and the Seven Swords

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Guest deleted2159825



Thanks for the comments and support!


I'm happy to report that Unoctium has put together a new trailer for The Inheritance:



Thank you, Unoctium!


As for the mod, I'm polishing up encounters and other scripted events. The complete list of voice acting roles is now online! Please PM me (preferably, with samples) if you're interested in a part.

Edited by someguy2000
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Thanks for the comments and support!


I'm happy to report that Unoctium has put together a new trailer for The Inheritance:



Thank you, Unoctium!


As for the mod, I'm polishing up encounters and other scripted events. The complete list of voice acting roles is now online! Please PM me (preferably, with samples) if you're interested in a part.


AWESOME! :thumbsup:

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