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Issue with Meshes not loading?(Mothership Zeta Crew TTW Conversion)


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Armor\Mothership Crew\Officers\IntelligenceOfficerHat.nif


is the path.

referenced by 00MSOfficerIntelWardrobe

  1. Armor\Mothership Crew\Commander\CommanderHat.nif
  2. Armor\Mothership Crew\Officers\IntelligenceOfficerHat.nif
  3. Armor\Mothership Crew\Commander\CommanderHatGo.nif

ScriptName 00MSCommanderLaundrySCRIPT

Begin OnActivate

CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MOTHERSHIPOfficerUniform 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSCommanderHat 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSCommanderOutfit 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSStarshipOfficerCap 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSTSCLabCoat 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSTSCRadSuitBlack 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSTSCRadsuitWhite 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSStarshipJumpsuit 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSMarineArmor 1
CommanderQuartersLaundryREF.additem 00MSMarineCombarHelmet 1


some where in here there Is a conflict

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Most of the meshes in the mod are broken in some way and need work. The kit pieces also have broken mopp (you can fix that with 32 bit nifskope). This is why most people don't try to convert this mod, it's so much work to fix everything that is busted in it. It's possible if you have the patience to do so.


Don't forget to turn autoclean off in nifskope so it doesn't break Fallout 3/NV meshes (particularly weapons).

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Heh. I'm not exactly unwilling, but I am totally ignorant as to where to start. When I loaded the NIF file on my end, I didn't even see the same issue that Purr4me did.




I turned off "Autosanitize Before Save", then my view was identical to Purr4me. I've never actually used NIFskope to edit anything before, so I guess I'm lucky I didn't accidentally break anything.

Edited by Vercalos
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