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Colosseum: Horse Races, Archery, Theater etc.


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There's no shortage of gladiator mods and arenas here on the nexus and steam, but real Colosseums of the ancient world did more than just gladitorial combat. This is a mod request for something that adds a whole slew of events to an arena setting. Think of like the Skyrim Olympics. You could win a lot of gold for winning a contest or a race as well as fame for athletics. Each event would also be made up of several progressively harder minigames. In archery for example you would start shooting at standing targets, then progress to live game and then maybe the final event would be to see who could shoot the most hawks out of the sky or something like that. The Closseum would also have a very large track around which there would be horse races. Another event would be like a jousting competition to play on the mounted combat system. Of course there would also be gladitorial competitions for those who like killing everything. Mages wouldn't be left out, you have magic duels with NPC's or just be a gladiator mage. And because there's not anything like it on the nexus, maybe the mod would have a theater with drama productions that the dovahkiin could watch, or star in if they wanted to (maybe there's a reason there isn't a mod like that?)
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