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Arrogance in Mod Descriptions?


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Hey everyone!


I have an interesting question.


In my mods I make lots of bold claims and really try to hype up everyone so that people use the mod.

My goal in modding is to make others use my mods and hence I care about downloads.


Because of this I try to make it sound like my mods are amazing or "the best" at something.

I never make any direct comparisons I just try to make people think that wow this is an awesome mod and that I should use this.



What do you all think of this point of view? Do descriptions like these bother you or do you recognize it as the mod author simply trying to get people to use the mod?


I ask this because the past few days I have read 2 complaints from people saying they don't like me because of this. (In addition to people saying my mods suck...but that is a different story)


What do you guys think? (you can read my mod description pages and see for yourself)


Just asking because I don't want to be sending off the wrong message. I try to be nice and pleasant with everyone in the community and this kinda upset me.

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The only observation I could really make in regards to why you may be getting negative comments is your 'wordiness'.....Take this from someone who loves to read and notes you write rather well....though I enjoy your style, I did found myself quickly becoming kinda bored and searching ahead for the actual Mod info, not the 'sell'.....Maybe try and combine the info with the sell....a little less sell and little more info, be more direct in what people can expect earlier....I would suggest about 25% sell, 75% relevant information in your introduction spiel.....That's my thoughts anyway.
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A good mod speaks for itself. I dislike the 'hard sell' rather a lot and avoid it wherever possible.


That said, modding is all about doing something you love doing and sharing the results with everyone. If you enjoy 'hyping' up your mods the way that you describe I wouldn't actually suggest taking that away from you.

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well if you would charge (money) for your mods I would certainly criticize some of your "wild boasts" but since it is free (which is the great thing about mods) I dont really care.


If you say "its the best mod everevereverforevermoreeverawesome etc." and I install it and find out its not, I just delete and forget about it.


I have read some of your descriptions though and while you do heavy "self marketing" its all in acceptable boundaries (in my humble opinion of course).

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Tell me what the mod does FIRST!!! I hate to read through a bunch of hyperbole with a dozen pics and full color bbcode fancy titles only to find it does not fit my game at all.
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I pay little attention to how "great" a mod is billed to be in the description. I look for what it can actually do, then take a look at some of the screenshots and if it passes those two then I install and pass my own judgement on how great is. I never listen much to what others say in the comments, because while I personally admire mods that make the game more immersive, even in a small way, others here place far more emphasis on how great yet another coat of armor is, or how amazing yet another sword looks.


For me, mods like Shooting Stars will always be better than new armours or swords. True, the effect of immersion of Shooting Stars is extremely small... almost nothing in fact, but add that to all the other tiny mods that add immersion and combined they make the world come alive. If the mod creator of Shooting Stars said it was the greatest thing since slice bread I would not have taken any notice of the claim, my mind can only made up by myself. It takes quite a lot to get me passed the screenshot phase in deciding if I try the mod or not, so even the biggest hyperbole has little to no effect on me.


If you wanna big up your own mod, go ahead, it won't influence me to try it out. But if the concept of your work sounds promising, then I may try it. I'll decide then if I keep using it or not.




If you really want a successful mod, create one which adds to the world... you will find they are more endorsed than apparel and weapons mods. There is no real way for anybody to tell you what Skyrim's world needs, it is one of those little pieces of inspiration that you will likely pick up in the wild. You might walking to the shop, and see nature do something and you'd think "Hey, why is that not in Skyrim yet?" Your tiny, seemingly insignificant mod will join up with a lot of others in use that together transforms the game for many, many people... and the endorsements (far more important than downloads) will start flowing in.


I am no modder, so I can't create these things like you lot can, but I have yet to see a mod that gives those random gusts of wind we see in open spaces on a calm day. You have all seen them in the real world, where the grass moves and the tree's sway if only for a second and the sound of the wind is quiet but profound against the backdrop of nature. That in Skyrim, with all other immersion mods... combined masterpiece. Endorsements guaranteed.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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I highly prefer to let my work speak for itself and allow the users to make the end judgement on whether it's good. A lot of my modding stems from an 'I made this thing and it was fun' mindset. I think the users also get a feel of how much love goes into all of my work, and they pick up on that sort of thing. Show, don't tell.


I'm generally not convinced by attempts to 'sell' a piece of mod work. I'm convinced by clear definitions of what it does and how, and how other people who play like I do think of it.

Edited by nuska
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I prefer to simply state my design goals. This means a certain degree of marketing, but without exaggerating. For instance I don't pretend to make the best armors, I only claim to make armors that fill a certain niche. Apocalypse however was intended to be the default choice for anyone playing a mage and is therefore advertised as such.


Mods with tons of pictures and bbcode (it adds cauliflowers to the map, it does not cure cancer!) annoy me, but I will fight to defend their right to post annoying descriptions. These QQ threads are pissing me off. If you don't like a mod description, then don't play the mod OMG.

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So far it looks like the general consensus is that to an extent it is okay but tone it down a bit and clearly show details about the mod instead.



Thanks for the post. Ya perhaps I need to write more about the mod and less about the whole selling point. That makes sense.




Perhaps I should just tone it down a bit. Maybe that would make it an easier read. I do enjoy hyping up things though haha.



Haha I should put that in one of my future mod descriptions...(kidding)



That makes sense. I have been going away from that and making it simpler though, for example my PUMS description page.



Thanks! I am currently working on a new mod that adds a new land full of "magical" things. So hopefully you will like that.



That sounds like a good mindframe to mod in.



Haha thanks. I probably just need to make the descriptions a bit simpler.

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