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NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer does not make milkshakes.


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So I've installed it using the Mod Manager, used Excessive, Strong breathing, No flails and the breathing animations work, however, the melons do not shake at all, not even when walking, swinging or hitting anything. Not even when moving a corpse with melons. I've tried making them bigger using HGEC Body but they just won't shake, they're just glaring in place.

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Which BBB enabled skeleton.nif replacer do you have installed?


I have no idea what that skeleton replacer is, first time hearing about it. I have no idea what I need to install before the mod at all. Everything's just too broad in the descriptions.



What form of archive invalidation are you using?


BSA alteration with all file types included.

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If you look down in the NoMaaM mod description you'll see the mod's requirements outlined in the second section. The mod page hasn't been updated in quite a while so the links to the required mods don't work, hiwever it does tell you what you need:


BBB Skeleton ... Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons


BBB Body Meshes ... my recommendation is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (it includes the required body textures, but the upper body meshes for body and armor/clothes replacer are not BBBed ... see next recommendation) and for BBB body overwrite with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 (note that it is recommended to select the "No Animations" so you don't lose many of the NoMaaM animations) and for BBBed versions of the armor/clothing BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer (note that it is for either E cup or C cup ... if you install a different size for your body like H cup you will only see H cup when naked from the waist up)


Body Texture ... I have a different, more recent body texture recommendation ... Female Body Retextured


Installation order is important ... if you are going to go with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 then you can skip the first step as it includes the same skeleton ... next section in the order I outline them.


BSA Redirection is the recommended method for archive invalidation.

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