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the ayleid kingdom


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about the ''dirty light'', you have to remember the ayleid kingdom was rescued by anubis and so he taught them new ways of magic but also simpler ways of living in peace and using the realm to there advantage so anubis reintroduced fire to the realm, also he has not been seen for over 1500 years so magic in the realm has been nearly all forgoten except basic spells like them of cyrodiil. so things like magic lights are becoming more rare in the realm so really there will only be magic light in the ayleid parts. also remember because anubis has been gone for so long new buildings types have appeared around the realm, so like in my port they have wooden houses. also the king is scared of magic and anyone who starts to become powerfull with magic will would be taken in the middle of the night and killed. this is because he is nothing more than a powerfull wizard, relying on the magic of the realm for his power, this is why he stays in the palace, because it is directly abouth the main power supply of the realm so he is most powerfull there. he also knows that anubis is not dead so he keeps the palace under heavy guard and has a very strict ruel over the realm. to prove this in the historical records of the realm, it says [what i still have to wright] that when he apparently killed anubis, he gathered up all the people who worshiped him and beleved he was the creater of the realm and he slaughtered them all. all people who gave themselfs up to the king got 50 lashes and got imprisioned for a whole year, then after that they where inslaved and where forced to build the many new buildings you see around the realm, and many of them where worked to death. all people who helped the king where spared and that was all. so the realm has a very dark history, and this also explanes why the realm will seem less ayleid in the edges of the realm and why there is not alot of powerfull magic in the realm today.
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i have been doing this for about a week now and on chrismas day, i finished them. the only thing i need to do now is make the activators and the doors whats only like 10 things. this now means i can start work on the ayleid style cities what i have been wanting to start for ages now. i should be able to make the first buildings this week and because of chrismas i got £180 so now i can buy a 1000gb hard drive to store all my mods on and other things so i can make my computer go faster and that also means i will be able to install FALLOUT 3 what i got today on pc. that also means i mite be able to add some textures on the mod or make some simple ones for fallout so, watch out world!!!

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i will never give up oblivion, i only got fallout for something to mess around with and maybe use the textures and thats about it. like i have played fallout 3 on xbox 360 and i dont really like it, i only got it because i had no idea what i wanted so i just said fall out because it was made by the same people who made oblivion. i also like fallout because there are alot of things refering to oblivion like...


paradise falls

faragut [refering to the fort]

bethesta square

vampires in a sub way

and there are many more, there is even a hidden place called the blood works, also there are many sounds from oblivion in the game so this shows us that they where eather short on money or they really love oblivion themselfs. so there is no way i am going to give up oblivion. well maybe slightly when number 5 comes out, but i will still play it when number five comes out untill a good version of the cs for it comes out and some usefull mods. something i may also do when number 5 comes out is use some of the oblivion meshes and use them on number five. abit like what people have done with drawven meshes and other things from number 3. so there is no need to worry because i did not realy want it that much [well abit] and there is no way i will give up the elder scrolls series. but thank you anyway for saying

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i am starting work on the tunnel what you have to fall down to meet anubis, so far i have made the ayleid pool what you fall into in the end of the fall so you die. here are the pics of it so far.






the pool is very deep and i still have to do more work here like lights and gardens and trees to make it very anubis like and to finish the tunnel hight what may take some time. you can just see the end on the tunnel on the second pic but when its finished you will want to fall over and over again.

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i have done it. i have finished the 100,000 [what ever the mesurment is in the cs] fall. there are 20 lights with each one 5000 apart. the fall is around 3 times higher than my palace what is twice the size of the imperial palace. so if you want to imagen how high the drop is, imagen the imperial palace and add anuther nine on top of it and then you have the hight of the drop. i would love to show some pics but, because its so long you can only see a very small section of it but there will be some pics of the temple bit on top of all of this where the entrance into the hole shall be. i have not started the temple bit yet but i shall try and have some pics for new years day or before.
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the fall takes around 20-30 seconds which can be a wile but it is the most fantasic thing i have done. as you start to fall it is normal speed of falling, but as you go further and further down, you go fast and faster untill you are going so fast the lights practicly look like a blur. i have done it loads of times not testing it and i can just not get anouth of it, i just keep on jumping down it again and again. the thing though about monsters the way down will be not good because you are going so fast it will be practicly impossable to kill it in time but it was a good idea. something i may do though to make it very scary is make every 10,000 a gate what opens at the last second, so every time you think that you are going to die. i based this idea from a tunnel in the shivering isles where you are falling and the plant gates open at the last second and i think that is brilliant so i may do that here but make it more ayleid like. i have been quiet on the forum for the past days because i have been bissy makeing the acctural hall where what is at the top of the tunnel where you get pushed down it. i only have the gardens at the sides to do but here are the pics of it so far...




this is what you see when you enter the hall, there are 60 benches in here what can take up to 180 people not

including the chairs where anubis and two others sit at the front




this is the platform at the front, i have done this because if there was not one people would not be able to see the people at the front and it also makes them look more important than every one else. anubis sits in the middle, the king on the right of him, and one is keeped empty and no one knows why...


[more pics are coming up]

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