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Getting Roberts Female Body to work with Seamless


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Considering that the Robert Female body and HGEC use a different system to map the body textures onto the mesh there isn't any simple way to use Robert Female bodies and HGEC equipment together without texture problems on exposed skin areas.


Looks like HGEC (and HGEC compatibles) is the only supported Seamless now.

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If you have NifSkope then download SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Movomo and Junkacc11 worked together on creating the seamless meshes so all of the meshes included with SetBody are of seamless quality. Look in the Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell folder and you'll find a huge variety of available body meshes (even Robert Female are there). Use NifSkope to check out the available meshes and pick one that's close to Robert Female. Seamless - HGEC Female includes a C-cup equipment replacer which will be about as close as you'll get to Robert Female size wise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is that any of those HGEC clothes or armor that show skin areas will have screwed up skin textures. What I was suggesting is that instead of using Roberts Female you use HGEC C cup body, and then the Seamless Equipment for HGEC in C cup.


Once installed NifSkope is simple to use ... once you know where it "hides" certain information. For just examining meshes such as bodies is just a matter of double left clicking on the mesh file in Windows Explorer after you have NifSkope installed. To find out details on the exact textures assigned to the mesh you expand the little purple flower in the tree view in the left hand panel until all the branches are open with a single left click per branch.


- Edit - There are other alternative bodies available that are texture compatible with HGEC such as The Girl Next Door (TGND). For seamless quality versions of those check out the SetBody I linked above (though comparing them in NifSkope just now I see that all of the HGEC derivatives that are close to Roberts in bust size are considerably slimmer through the ribcage).

Edited by Striker879
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