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Download problem


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Hmm...my downloads are working at the moment I have to say. However, it ain't always so and I get many of the same issues already described from time to time. The common thread to me seems to be...Firefox 16.0.1


Mind you since I hollered at BT and got my Homehub (router) replaced it has been a lot better so maybe router issues can be a factor?


My favourite culprit is still Firefox though, it has been very quirky of late, took me all my time to batter it into submission in regards to saving passwords.


I do not have a router, and i also reinstalled firefox, it didnt help. But what DOES seems to help is repeatedly (rapidly) pressing the F5 (refresh) key every half second. Cause waiting for that empty/blank white screen to load doesn't work. And as many others have said it isn't limited to just one server or a certain mod

Edited by wiseman1zulu
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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having this problem, though obviously not everyone is having it either.


I can't download anything. At all. Not with NMM, and not manually. NMM tries the 1-10 times before giving up, and I get a server error with a manual download. I'm using chrome. I havne't been able to download anything since about 2pm.

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Today I noticed that the only time a download would fail in NMM is when I was actively browsing Skyrim Nexus while there was a download in progress within the Mod Manager. I've been able to repeat this failed download process every time I've tried it.


Windows 7 64bit

Chrome - Latest version

NMM - Latest Version

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I've had problems like this on and off for the past week. If I click to download a file, sometimes it will say the file was hidden by the author (even though it isn't...), NMM will go through all attempts to download a file and then fail, I am also getting the white error page that was posted earlier in the thread. Edited by welsher
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I am having download problems as well. They only started in the past few days and has never happened before in the past; I've downloaded dozens of files. The file downloads fine for about a minute and then it stops downloading but the download manager says it's completed. So the file is an incomplete zip/compressed file. I will be downloading a 100MB file that is finished downloading at 17MB. Obviously, winzip/7zip can't open the file because all the data isn't there. I've tried this with both internet explorer and firefox to no avail.


Any suggestions?


Windows 7 x64






Well, I figured out a workaround. I downloaded the addon for firefox "downthemall!" and was able to download without any problems. Cool add-on by the way.

Edited by mkoll
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Having similar problems with downloading. Most files (even a few Kb in size) error out and have to retry them 3-4 times before it downloads. Others keep getting "Server is Busy" messages even after the 10 tries...



This is with NMM...

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I'm getting a ton of 501 errors. If I actually manage to get to the download page for a mod, I then always get an error after choosing a server. That's what the window says "error". No other information. That's with firefox.


IE gets 500 internal server errors. Looks like the nexus network is the nexus notwork tonight.

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