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Mods that convert vanilla areas to settlements infinite load screen problem


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Hi folks. As always, thanks for taking a look at my thread.

So I'm actually not looking for a fix for this. More just really wanting to know what causes it, as far as whether or not it's just the mods in question, if it's a conflict, or something that I need to do to an ini file (I've already modified my ini files for mods, but is there something extra, or special?)

My load order is a total mess right now, and it would be embarrassing to post it. I know that I need to do housekeeping.

I've had bad luck with both of the mods that I've tried.


The first was Prost Bar. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26560

I could run it fine, no problems when I played on the PS4. But when I tried it out on the PC, infinite load screen loop when moving from an area to another.

When I DID finally get into the bar, it made my CBBE textures go invisible. Floating head syndrome. And a huge fps hit. I've tried that mod on several different builds, aside from just a straight vanilla (no mods) run. And that one just won't work for me on PC.


Recently tried Settlement of Andrew's Station. Which also turns a vanilla location into a settlement. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35260

Infinite load screen loop as soon as I walked through a door.


Now, in both these instances, I HAVE to three finger b**ch to get the game to shut down. And even then, the load screen music still plays, and I have to dig down in the Background Tasks, to find where FO4 is hiding to shut it down again.


Similar results, on both of my laptops.


So like I said, I'm not really looking for a fix, because I'm not trying to run any of those types of mods after the lack of prior success. But aside from a mod conflict or bad scripting, I can't think of what would cause the game to have this kind of reaction!

It's one of those things that triggers my "trouble shooter" personality, and I really wanna know!



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In adding new workshop locations they probably touched or made inappropriate dirty edits to the mater Commonwealth location location record. That can be seen opening the mod files in xEdit.


If you are interested in what a good workshop mod looks like read this.

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Hiya SKK! Thanks for the response!

Really good info, and that does answer quite a bit of what had me wondering. And thanks for linking me to your Tute! I've got that added to my FO4 bookmarks to read again when I have more time to soak it in betta.


Interesting tho. That a marker location can cause that type of reaction. That info has got all kinds of theories bouncing around in my head about load times now.


Kudos given for the great help. Thanks very much, SKK!

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