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Fighting Arena "BeyondThunderdome"


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Maybe a special script that activates when you do a certain condition?


You get knocked out while exploring for a side quest and all your items are secured someplace in a dungeon. When you wake up, you noticed your handcuffed and is forced to enter steel cage matches until you finally plan your escape.


Hmm some reminded me of that movie with Jet Lee in it, being forced to wear an explosive dog collar.


EDIT: The movie is "Unleashed" starring Jet lee.

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It doesn't sound like such a bad idea:


Say, in Paradise Falls, the most violent and unruly slaves are thrown into a pit to fight, with the minimum of protection and weaponry, everything from swarms of Radroaches to Supermutants for the amusement of the slavers.


I'd say, take away the 'noble' idea of Oblivion's Arena and make it a more Karma Negative thing - you can bet on the fight, but at the cost of Karma, after all, you're profiting from the loss of innocent life.


Or, if you want to take part, get yourself captured (or perhaps bribe your way inside via a sympathetic slaver), and aim to win glory, or tear the whole thing down from the inside out.


So - yes, by all means, this is a good idea, but don't just channel Oblivion. Bring it right down to the sadistic voyeurism that mortal combat truly is.

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It would make a great addition. Cept I think it should be separate of paradise falls, specially since I wiped out everyone there. Maybe put it in a new location when the GECK arrives?


How about an abandoned warehouse somewhere?


The roof of a tall building would be cool too... adds a new aspect. Whatever the area is, it should be chock full of dangerous stuff. Irradiated or explosive, or both.

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I think something like different types of fights would be cool. Melee weapons, knives, bare-knuckled, quick-draw gun fights, ones of differing odds (2 to 3 vs 1), things like that.


Maybe even give you the option of slipping a guy a few caps to bring in brass knuckles to the bare-knuckled brawl. It would be really great if we could get some basic gloves that were basically just hand wraps you had to wear, and if you 'cheat' then you'd get ones with brass knuckles hidden in them, giving you significantly more damage than the other guy.

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Very interesting if the entire quest is based on scripts, so npcs reacts to you about slavery. And maybe make it rewarding too so you become better with melee weapons and unarmed skills.


EDIT: For weaponry inside a match, maybe make it so the audience throws weaponry in from time to time, but that means both you and your opponent can take it to do more damage. This should also mean that combatants should be scripted to use a better weapon but since its a slave battle, all weaponry dropped by the audience is on the verge of breaking.

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