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LOD issue


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That kind of issues can make anyone nuts. But instead of giving yet another round of "smart" advices like have you tried that? Done those changes? Been aware of this? .... and so forth and so on...


What have you tried out this far? You got a forum thread documented somewhere of all tests done currently in vain (seems there is a mentioning about it)?


Yet, have you done a blind test with a totally vanilla install of Fallout? My play install is so full of mods, tweaks and twists over the years that I'm not sure myself what is vanilla or enhanced any more, testing something new nowadays is kind of doomed to break something at another place in game.


I think it can be fixed, it's just like you just did, have some others to try understand or give crazy new thoughts out of the blue that can give you an inspiration to try another approach to the problem.

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You need to regenerate object LOD whenever you move, add or remove *ANY* object that has 'use distant lod' set (or use tree lod?)

To regenerate object LOD you first need to delete the old object LOD too, or geck just goes "hey its already done, nothing for me to do!"


Fallout 'binds' objects to there LOD based on where they are and the order of objects(?). If they arnt exactly where LOD says they should be and in the right order, fallout gets confused and no longer knows when to display the real object and when to display the LOD.

(note, totaly seperate from terrain LOD and object lod only takes a few seconds, it also generates a new LOD texture atlas for the worldspace)

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atlas_out_diffuse and _normals, where are they supposed to go (folder/Directory) GECK puts em in fallout3 dir. and I just add it to data and lod cause I have never found any info on that file.


Tree Lod is generated separately from objects.


So I have had the same problem using the Generate LOD menu, so the trees lod I just delete.


They just do not fade in or out.



Edited by freddy_farnsworth
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