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Can't install MGSO 3.0


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So since updating to Windows 7 on my new PC I am unable to install MGSO 3.0. It worked fine under Win XP but now everytime I want to run the installation it freezes during Morrowind Graphics Extender config. I can set up a manual config just fine but everytime I try to run it MGEGui won't work and the whole installer freezes. Tried it several times now each time with a proper clean version of Morrowind (GotY Steam version). I changed all the applications in the Morrowind folder to administrator mode. Problem is now, it seems the installer has problems with installing the proper distant land files because everytime a small window pops up telling me that the installer found old distant land files (which can't be) and the next moment everything related to the installer or options menu freezes.

Hope you guys have some ideas what's going wrong.


Here's the MGE XE log. Since only the MGE part of the installation fails and everything else is installed I tried to install it seperately via NMM but it still doesn't work.

MGE XE 0.9.9

MWSE dll injected

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

-- D3D Proxy Factory OK

<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

-- D3D Proxy Factory OK

<< D3D Proxy CreateDevice

>> CreateInputWrapper

Could not open MGE\dinput.data for reading.

You need to run MGEXEgui at least once to create the save files.

<< CreateInputWrapper

-- Proxy Keyboard OK

-- Proxy Mouse OK

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> HUD init

<< HUD init

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> CreateD3DWrapper

-- CreateD3DWrapper calling Direct3DCreate9

<< CreateD3DWrapper

>> D3D Proxy CreateDevice

!! D3D Proxy CreateDevice failure

>> Distant Land init

>> Distant Land init BSAs

>> Distant Land init shader

-- Shader compiled OK

-- Shadow map shader compiled OK

-- Depth shader compiled OK

>> Distant Land init fixed function emu

>> Distant Land init post shaders

>> Post Process shader init

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\SSAO HQ.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Depth of Field.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Underwater Effects.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Underwater Interior Effects.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Sunshafts.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Bloom Fine.fx loaded

-- Post shader Data Files\shaders\XEshaders\Eye Adaptation (HDR).fx loaded

-- Shader chain indicates HDR On

-- Shader chain replaces standard Morrowind sun glare

<< Post Process shader init

>> Distant Land init depth

>> Distant Land init shadow

>> Distant Land init water

-- Distant Land init dynamic water

>> Distant Land init world

>> Landscape Load

!! Distant land has not been generated. It is required for MGE XE to run.

-- HUD release

Edited by LionsLinden
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