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Script Help - Missing a Basic


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I thought I had got the whole Scripting system figured out but apparently not.


I am trying to make a 'boss' of sorts, that revives a few times upon death.

However I did not get very far into the scripts before I ran into trouble.


Here's what I have:

Scriptname DeadScript extends ObjectReference



Explosion property DeathBoom auto


Event OnDeath(Actor Killer)



Int Roll = Utility.RandomInt(0,10)

if(Roll > 3)





This is no where near the finished script (won't be a dice roll), but it won't compile because it says:


Resurrect is not a function or does not exist


Yet the function is easily findable on the Creation Kit wiki and I can't see any reason for the error.

I assume it is a small and basic problem, and once explained it will solve any similar problems that inevitably pop up, so I feel it is worth a topic.

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