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Castle Dracula navmesh problem


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i have a relay nice huge castle Dracula that when i recastbase navmesh i will ether do a small area or it will sit and hang and not respond. i just want a simple navmesh to get npc's running around inside. so for its only one floor and it don't hardly have any obstacles to go around. all the walls are finished and it uses the volkar interior castle parts and i resised them from 1.0 to 3.0.
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i have a relay nice huge castle Dracula that when i recastbase navmesh i will ether do a small area or it will sit and hang and not respond. i just want a simple navmesh to get npc's running around inside. so for its only one floor and it don't hardly have any obstacles to go around. all the walls are finished and it uses the volkar interior castle parts and i resised them from 1.0 to 3.0.


a) make sure you don't have any objects selected (with the render window active hit the D key to deselect everything)

b) make sure you're not messing with the recast navmesh settings unless you know what you're doing (reset to defaults to be sure)

c) be patient - it may take longer/shorter depending on the area, number of objects, scene complexity and your PC specs


I'm not sure that resizing CK parts to >2 is a good idea, it may start to look blocky in-game but that's a different discussion.

Edited by acidzebra
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Ok today is the 27th and i have let it sit and i think auto nave mesh but its been sitting two hours with the windows 7 blue busy thing spining around, i dont think its gonna do anything. nav mesh never worked for me yet. its a esp file, now iv downloaded other peoples castles and theres are esp,bsa and bsl,whats the purpose in three files for one castle and should i do this to? how? and do i navmesh one of thoses insted?
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Don't worry about BSA (archive) and other files. That's just when you're packing textures, scripts, meshes and other things into a single archive instead of giving people loose files. For your purposes, a single esp file should be fine.


Have you reset your navmesh settings to defaults? (navmesh > generation > recast-based and then hit "default settings" in the new window). I asked this before and I would like you to either do it or confirm the settings are at default.


If yes, could you post a screenshot of the level you're trying to navmesh? For example, here's a recent fort level I did, it took about 2-3 minutes to auto-navmesh (and then hours to manually adjust) on PC specs similar to yours.



Edited by acidzebra
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Ignore the room on the bottom right with all the steps,its not there and wasnt when i tried to navmesh. I put the agent radius to 16 cuz the guy on the tutorial said it would work and i also tried with default settings with no go.
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That's... pretty massive. I think. It's kind of hard to judge scale. I don't have dawnguard active right now or I'd load it up and check.


Still, I don't see why it wouldn't navmesh. The only odd thing I can think of is I think you said you scaled all the pieces to 3x. Have you tried creating a new mod, throwing in a couple of regular unscaled pieces (same type you're using), then doing the autonavmesh thing? Might be worth a shot to see if your CK is borked or whether it's something particular to your mod.


If all else fails, navmeshing by hand isn't that much of a chore and in some cases (particularly with large empty spaces) will give you nicer/more efficient meshes), but still... odd.


Anyway, if you're willing to try the "make a test mod" thing, do that, otherwise, here's a hand-navmeshing tutorial which covers some of the basic tricks to quickly and efficiently doing it by hand - I've actually become more of a proponent of fully manual navmeshing after seeing the automated process make a terrible hash of things in complex surroundings.


Edited by acidzebra
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When you say auto navmesh, do you mean auto generate worldspace? cuz iv been using generate > recast-based generation and i just found that when i ctrl click all the pieces for just one of the rooms at a time generate then do the next room it works but im only clicking the castle parts, you know like caslgrmwall01,caslgrmcorin01,caslgrmmid01 etc and im doing it from top down view.

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the other thing i wonder is lets say i have the navmesh done, i go ingame and go into the castle, my followers wont go in like they wont go in castle volkihar court garden but they will follow me into orlock castle mods interior. and i do want to set it up where like you ether kill count dracula and winn the key to the castle or you nock him down to his kneys but he is still alive and he gives you the key to the castle and will not attack anymore but i dont know how to script that.
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