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Sex for the Player Character...


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Either way, I think someone should copy and paste some prostitutes into other cities as well. They were fairly common in the other games, and I imagine they would be in a world like that.


You would think that in a total anarchy that lacks any sense of morality, where men with little more sense than cavemen rule over people simply because they have more guns and beat people that stand in their way, and those who arn't strong get sold into slavery or starve to death or get killed by Yao Gui or even worse, get captured and tortured by Super Mutants... Do you really think that in a world like that, a small pettite woman with no strength and no protection would use the one thing going for her (some really nice boobs) to gain some sort of power over the brutish cavemen that run things...


next to being a raider, prostitution would probly be the most common job in the wasteland


do you really think Dukov was the first guy with the brilliant idea to offer protection and food for sex...


civilized places like Rivet City and the Citadel are deffinatly the minority as far as living conditions go... even in a place like BigTown, someone like Bittercup would probly much perfer to offer her "services" to the Vault Dweler as apposed to live in a hellhole where she would sooner or later end up in a Super Mutants soup, or captured by a slaver and sold to some caveman raider in Paradise Falls... or end up in the Pitt and mutate into a freaken Trog...


so really, sex/prostitution mods would be more realistic than the game is right now, at least if it was pulled off right

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...speaking of, would it be possible to mod over some of the armor and swords from oblivion into fallout? I know this is off topic but I think it'd be cool to be walking around in madness armor in the wasteland ><


Technically yes, Legally No we aren't allowed to port items that Beth made, depending on modders we can bring over items introduced via mods

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Either way, I think someone should copy and paste some prostitutes into other cities as well. They were fairly common in the other games, and I imagine they would be in a world like that.


You would think that in a total anarchy that lacks any sense of morality, where men with little more sense than cavemen rule over people simply because they have more guns and beat people that stand in their way, and those who arn't strong get sold into slavery or starve to death or get killed by Yao Gui or even worse, get captured and tortured by Super Mutants... Do you really think that in a world like that, a small pettite woman with no strength and no protection would use the one thing going for her (some really nice boobs) to gain some sort of power over the brutish cavemen that run things...


next to being a raider, prostitution would probly be the most common job in the wasteland


do you really think Dukov was the first guy with the brilliant idea to offer protection and food for sex...


civilized places like Rivet City and the Citadel are deffinatly the minority as far as living conditions go... even in a place like BigTown, someone like Bittercup would probly much perfer to offer her "services" to the Vault Dweler as apposed to live in a hellhole where she would sooner or later end up in a Super Mutants soup, or captured by a slaver and sold to some caveman raider in Paradise Falls... or end up in the Pitt and mutate into a freaken Trog...


so really, sex/prostitution mods would be more realistic than the game is right now, at least if it was pulled off right




Kudos to you! And to all the other people that mention"Real World" situations. The sooner the "Bleeding heart Liberals", The "Sexually Impotent" ESRB and all the other "Goody Two Shoes" people get off of their high horses and come to the reality that sex is much more acceptable than murder and dismemberment, maybe they will start allowing it to be introduced into games. After all, most parents don't have any control over their children anyway. Television, music, sex ed in schools, just to mention a few things that parents can't keep from their children. I personally am waiting with awe and excitement for the first "No holds barred" sexual FO3. With the right situations, rewards, etc. that come from Modders, my heroes! Keep on with your bad selves! Hip Hip Hooray! Just so everyone knows, I'm really a nice older man. 'lol'

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Kudos to you! And to all the other people that mention"Real World" situations. The sooner the "Bleeding heart Liberals", The "Sexually Impotent" ESRB and all the other "Goody Two Shoes" people get off of their high horses and come to the reality that sex is much more acceptable than murder and dismemberment, maybe they will start allowing it to be introduced into games. After all, most parents don't have any control over their children anyway. Television, music, sex ed in schools, just to mention a few things that parents can't keep from their children. I personally am waiting with awe and excitement for the first "No holds barred" sexual FO3. With the right situations, rewards, etc. that come from Modders, my heroes! Keep on with your bad selves! Hip Hip Hooray! Just so everyone knows, I'm really a nice older man. 'lol'


The fact is, it needs to be pulled off in a realistic manner and maintain a sense of class


If you have a character that is a prostitute and has to sell herself to men to survive, you shouldn't leave that character as a simple whor (damn censorship won't even let me use the whole word...) There is always a story behind why she has to do that, and it is very rarely because she wants to.



In our world, men and women are for the most part treated equal. Women have all the same oportunities to go to school and get good jobs, and live their entire life independantly if you want to. We were even one Barak Obama away from haveing a woman President... But in our world, we are controled by rules and laws that keep us from just doing and takeing what we want.


But the fact is, the world in Fallout is nothing like this. And the simple fact is, once you take the rules and laws out of the equation, men would simply return to a ruleing position. They are simply phisicaly and mentaly more suitable to fight and conquer. There are women who would be just as capable as the men, but when it comes to tribal power, they really wouldn't be given much of a chance since the men would bind together to take control, with zero regard to what the women want.


The simple truth is, up until around the Civil War time, women were treated as property in almost every civilization across the world, some more respected than others, but still as a form of property. And with the advent of the total destruction of the world at the hand of thousands of atomic bombs, and the fact that most of the high tech killing weapons remained, would make the world even more tribal and barbaric than any time period we have had in recorded history.


With no established form of governmet, men would form groups to gain power, following whoever they think is the most likely to not only keep them alive, but allow their group to gain more power. And when you gain absolute power, you then have the ability to take what you want.


But in this fight for power, women have a tool for persuasion that no man can come close to. The weakness of every powerful man is a beautiful woman, and to survive in such a harsh and tribal world, women would have to use this to every advantage.



But anyways, back to what I was saying. There is a certain desperation that would cause a woman to turn to prostitution. The fact is that it is a very tough world to survive in, and sex is a very good way of getting power and the means to survive.


But then again, they wouldn't always have to turn to being a prostitute. It would be just as easy to find that one guy that has money and power, and latch onto him as a protector. Enstead of being alone and vulnerable out in the Wasteland, why wouldn't they "make themselves usefull" to some man that can protect them and provide them with food and shelter. They wouldn't need to be banging everyone in town, just find one person and use them untill someone better comes along.



But I will stop now, because I am rambling and can't remember what point I was trying to make in the first place...



But the way they do rateings on games is just plane messed up though. There is no way that haveing sex with someone, whether it is with a prostitute or not, is as morally wrong as enslaving people... Especialy when you enslave a child...

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Yup, the persona of it is well told but you dont actually see anything do ya? Well I recently came across a Mod in the Oblivion site when I was just curious on what they have to offer and what fallout could use :http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23458


Damn kinky I gotta say...but by the looks of things extremely well done.

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I am hopeing that I can add some player sex toward the end of my mod, but I will have to see how it goes


I am currently trying to develope a compex relationship system, based on haveing to visit the NPC on a daily basis and unlocking diogogue options to add points, each day would offer a little more diologue, either offering more information about that character and her background, or just interesting discussions about stuff. You can only access this option once every 24 hours. Well, as these points add up, as well as with the points you get from giveing them gifts and doing small quests for them, you will reach a set of points where it takes the relationship to the next level. Eventualy you can invite them over for sex or you can have them move in and get married.


Well, I am really not developing it, I just came up with the idea and some other people are helping me out while I work on new houses and outfits for the same mod.


And that reminds me, I am also going to have different outfits for the girls, that change based on the situation. After they become attracted to you they will start wearing more sexy outfits when around you and stuff, and I will probly make some sexy lingerie custom to each girl for when they invite you over to there house or whatever.


This is the mod I am talking about if anyone is interested or know any way they can help




I want to come up with a classy way to get into a girls pants, or at least something with a little bit of depth to it

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