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Sex for the Player Character...


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An odd little story to do with sex and censorship in computer games.


The Australian Government had Duke Nukem censured so it could come into Australia but Australian customers could easily, unofficially, get a patch that removed the censureship. I got mine from the shop that sold me the game and had to only pay for the disk (floppy) that it came on.


So much for censureship.


love the :banana:

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Well theres quite a bit of different views on this topic (all seem to be "Pro" mod creation. Kudos to Any flamers or "Nay sayers" for just walking away :biggrin: ).

Keep in mind this topic is for the Creation of a Sexual interaction for the PC with NPCs, we need to stop getting excited with all the possibilities we could get into and make the foundation first. After that when there are addtional mods each adding a new aspect to the base of the idea, we can all feel better about the game, where as our PC can "feel" relieved pixel-physically. ;)

But I'll be a hypocrite just because.

With all the examples and references for the potential mod, as well as some good movie references (even though this isnt Rottentomatoes, That helped with me having been movies starved), there needs to be an easier way for those who have the abilities to make this a reality (most preferable people well familiar with the G.E.C.K., and not newbies or amateurs like myself), to say "Hey I'll work on it! Chillax I'll keep my progress posted here [insert Link], if you got anything you need to say about it I'll read it at [insert link]"

Really its a simple idea to let us mod-download addicts know that we can keep tabs on requests and know that someone is going to actually make an attempt to make an idea virtually real, without all this clutter off "Idea" expansions and how game potential is being pinned down my "The Man". And kudos to linehand on pg.13 for assembling many of our protests on gaming restrictings at adult level into a very potential and convincing document that could earn games the freedom they deserve by giving the ESRB a kick in the [insert sensitive anatomy part here] :sweat:

I had useful mod information for this topic but the whole linehand thing got me worked up and i lost it :confused: repost soon when I remember. And remember to use your connections to get the talented modders to help us out! Huzzah for Professional grade mods to stick it in Bethesda's face! :biggrin:

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Very well said Linehand. Truly this double-standard is sickening to begin with.


Also, as a young, gay man, I would LOVE to see M/M integrated into any future sex mods. Maybe even clothing for the player-character or companion(s) relating to the dirty deeds being done.


I'd also enjoy the addition of fursuits (And applicable animal sounds whilst wearing them), me being a furry and all. The fursuits wouldn't be too hard. There'd even be room for "Clean" versions (Like mascot suits for sports teams), and then the "Explicit" versions with the right areas "Open" for use if you catch my drift.


And heck, you could either do the entire fursuit in all one piece outfit with head and all in just the "-animal- Fursuit", or do the head and suit separately like "-animal- fursuit head", etc.


And heck, armored variants for regular combat use for the true "Wasteland Furre".


Maybe even a "Furfag" perk for gay male characters who have sex with their fursuit on more than x amount of times, and it would increase all stats by 1 while wearing a fursuit (+2 for Perception because the mask would reduce perception by 1).


Anyway, just hoping no one forgot about the seemingly forgotten homosexual demographic here.


Oh, and hell if F3nexus won't host it, there're many more places to host a mod like this, heck, even a normal fileshare site.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i was dissapointed too.


so i pick up the lady killer perk coz i wanna be fly with they chicks yea, and so im mackin on this emo hoe from big town, things are goin smooth and shes all like "you should totally stop by later" and i was all like "aite baby gurl" so i drob by her crib later that night and shes all i got somthing for ya daddy, and i was like "i like wurr this is going shorty." and she hands me this stimpac and says she found it on on patrol.......


and then i was like omg wtf epic fail :wallbash:


Dude, I know. I was so cut up when Buttercup just.. Teased me! Sucks to be me, I suppose. XD.

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Haha, a Hot Coffee mod for Fallout 3. Nice.


The Wasteland Player and Seducing Women mods left a bit to be desired, but fading to black was a good start.


It's inevitable that we'll get a porn mod soon. We already have nude mods. I'd definitely download it, as long as it doesn't snowball into pedo mods.

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It would seriously be nice if Female PC's could have sex with characters like Dukov. Hey he f*#@s those two girls, why the hell won't he *ban me* the female PC's brains out? :P. And no, Fade to black screen ain't good enough, there HAS to be a way where you can watch or even hear the sex. heh.


Oh and it shouldn't be a one time thing either, Just whenever she wants to *ban me*, however long, ect. The PC should be able to decide when and how long. Hey. Fallout 3 Needs sex.

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i agree with linehand, i'll definitely be spreading the word, though i'll re-word it for use over here if that's ok?


anyway, hell yeah we need this mod, the f2b sounds ok to start with (very fo2) but animations are the next logical step, i just hope someone comes along and works on them.


looking forward to this already.


i was so annoyed (like everyone else) when fo3 was released without sex which (besides the mindless violence) is what makes fallout. bittercup for example..... smegging tease!!! she's so gonna get it when this mod is released.... lol...


anyways.. enough of my ranting...

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  • 1 month later...
i was dissapointed too.


so i pick up the lady killer perk coz i wanna be fly with they chicks yea, and so im mackin on this emo hoe from big town, things are goin smooth and shes all like "you should totally stop by later" and i was all like "aite baby gurl" so i drob by her crib later that night and shes all i got somthing for ya daddy, and i was like "i like wurr this is going shorty." and she hands me this stimpac and says she found it on on patrol.......


and then i was like omg wtf epic fail :wallbash:


omg, same thing happened to me, that bittercup girl likes you, but she only gives you blamco mac and cheese and stimpaks, I was hopin for something a lil more fulfilling

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