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Sex for the Player Character...


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I completely agree. When you pick the love machine theme, they hang a giant light-up prop of two people fornicating in the middle of your house, yet they weren't willing to fade to black with some suggestive dialogue? Bad form. I took Lady killer as my first Perk hoping for some hilarious situations, and was sorely disappointed. When you use it to get info from Nova in the very beginning, you say something like "I'd love to spend some time with you babe, but I gotta find my Dad." Right, nothing gets a girl hot like talking about your Dad in the same sentence you imply you wanna do her. When you seduce that chick in Meresti for Ian's door code you give her some "I'd love to spend some time with you but I need to see this guy." BS. Not only does it continue the ridiculous trend of attempting seduction and coercion in a single sentence, you should lose karma for not following through and being a dirty tease. And then the worst of all, the AntAgonizer... "I believe in you." Aside from being neither seductive nor smooth, they squandered the perfect opportunity to make some sort of reference to invading her tunnels. Nope, the only piece of innuendo we're treated to is "Plow her beanfield" :wallbash:
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So just keep the little "poop drop" at your house, throw him a piece of meat once in awhile!!


But i think if you joes are going to do this, Go all out! Nude textures, animation, hell make it a mini-game LOL!!


ooh and VD and getting pregnant all great options!

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How about multiple versions of the same mod?


In a highly suggestive, non-pornographic mod you could have seduction conversations with npcs, they hop in bed, you get a fade-out/in then get some amusing dialogue...


Then a highly suggestive soft-core mod with nudity...


Then a hardcore mod/mini-game with anything anyone could think of.


Hell, you could make the base dialogue, options and stuff a master-like file and people could use it to make dozens of plug-ins to tweak it to any and everyone's tastes.

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Sex should be in the game. Hetero-, Bi-, and Homo- sexual activities should be included. Prostitution can be done by the PC for cash, also the PC can pay to get laid. Companions will do you. Slaves can be dominated. Also would like to see a brothel or "bunny ranch". In addition can have multiple partners in the brothel. Perhaps a porn movie re-creation scene from Fallout 2?


The sad thing is, Fallout 2 had more sex in it than 3 does.

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I'm currently working on a mod that allows your character to sleep with a number of NPCs using the fade to black screen. Unfortunately, I'm running into some snags with the dialogue trees so the interactions are pretty basic so far. Once I learn my way around the GECK, I'll be sure to post the mod. Hopefully, I'll even get a working Gigolo or Sexpert perk to go along with the PC's antics.
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Yep. Perfect way to unf*#@ the game: Add *ban*.


And really, there are so many lost chances. Clover is just BEGGING for a mod like this. She's your own personal sex toy, for crying out loud. "Is there any thing I can do for you... or two you?" Sidney is also a perfect. Smart, sexy, and a tragic story? Oh, and don't get my started on Moira. Would be epic to go through the entire Wasteland Survival Guide Quest just for a chance to get in her RobCo Jumpsuit. Then there's that chick in Rivet who demands you give her money for drinks. Get a few in her and she becomes a lot friendlier, and the girl that wants to marry the priest? Well break her up with her BF and enjoy the rebound sex, you heartless male without a father, you. Then you have Bittercup who outright asked for a relationship... It would also be fun to become a citizen of Dave by marrying Dave's daughter. Might give you an alternate path to election by voting or becoming el presidente yourself!


And while I'm not as good at spotting female options, Dukov is just begging for one. High charisma and he wants you to be a new party girl! :D

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