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NMM crash


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Tracing an Unhandled Exception:



The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\HSFStockade.esp' because it is being used by another process.

Full Trace:


NMM just started acting up tonight.

That is the message I get at the end of the tracelog. If I uncheck HSFStockade.esp it makes no difference. Any clues would be greatly appreciated. ? Man, my game has just gone to hell this week. Heh.


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  • 6 months later...

What mod has hsfstockade.esp? I need to get rid of it to. :\


Please start your own topic as this one is already taken by UgTheViking for his problem.

Having your own topic means no confusion when someone answers - and is absolutely FREE - we really don't charge any extra for having your very own topic for your specific problem.


Just go to the 'Skyrim Technical support' forums (you are dealing with Skyrim aren't you?) and click on Start new topic. Give it a descriptive title (PLEASE not something like "HELP!!!!" we see that one too often here)


Edited by bben46
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