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Can I move xbox character to pc?


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I have been playing Skyrim on xbox for a while, but I am normally a pc gamer. Before I invest in the pc version, I want to know what the chances are that I can save my xbox character to a thumb drive and load it into the pc game. I'm sure the answer is no, but I really would love to be able to. Of course the thumb drive was my first thought but another option would be welcome!!
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I would have to say no, also i am sure the save formats would be different and wouldn't work. not an expert in the field like that but... never know :biggrin:
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*snip* Doesn't hurt , always worth a shot. never tried it. came accross that. :huh: Edited by DrGrimm
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I know it can be done with the game Mass Effect....but am not sure about Skyrim.....I would say given that it can be done with one game though, there is a chance it can be done with another...I am not sure how it's done though, but I would suggest it is worth investigating.
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