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Pile of Gold Container


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Instead of hiding gold around in various chests & containers, I would LOVE to see someone make a "container" that looks like a giant pile of gold. Kind of like the treasury in Fable III. That way, there's no forgetting or doubting where I store my gold. Besides, aesthetically, it would just look badass.


Edit: I know that it IS already possible to dump a bunch of gold and/or gold ingots individually. But thats just an inefficient toll on game rendering performance... Theres also issues with each individual septim's collision parameters that can cause the gold fly and scatter all over the place. A gold pile is a solution to avoid all the issues of individual item placement


Here's an example of what I mean:



TY in advance


Edited by tagraf86
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A good idea, I'd like if it was more like an activatable static item that changes with how much gold or gold ingots you put in it.


Like a treasury or a horde, where you activate the floor or what not and it asks how much of your gold you want to slap down, it changes the statics to show some piles of gold near the amount.


I think someone make static gold pile meshes but I'm not sure who or what their in, If I get my hands on them though I'm going to look into making gold piles you can put down and pick up from your currency gold.

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  • 2 years later...

player.placeatme xx018486 1 (xx being the hexadecimal number which Dragonborn is in your load order) Make sure you look straight forward, not up or down. Doing so will make the gold pile underneath your feet to be parallel with the angle of which your eyes are looking at.

Edited by Xalaber
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