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Changing 3D models with NifSkope


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Hello, I've been making some high-res textures for fallout 3 and now I've came across a 2048 sized texture. I tried making a 4096 but that takes up quite a lot of RAM :whistling:

So I know what 3D models I have to change (I want to export them to 3DS Max to alter their UV maps and put them back). The problem is I can't figure out how to add them to those nodes so I can export them (I haven't done any modding for Oblivion or any other game that uses this engine).

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hi their


their are some major problems with putting in some new models.



this is the right program but your nif file gets corrupt. while using it.

my guess bethsoft not wanna release their (updated) NifSkope for whatever reason.


getting the alpha Chanel to work request already a awesome amount of hacking.


For those asking how to enable alpha in a nif:


You need to make sure the nif in question already has the alpha property in it. In the case of the lingerie, the nif had an alpha property but it was set to 0 (disabled). You can't just change the property value in NifSkope because you will just end up with an invalid nif. So to get around that did the following:


1. Make a copy of the nif

2. Open copy with NifSkope and change the value of the property. Hover over the property to get the hex offset.

3. Save the file (this will break it but we don't care)

4. Open the original nif (not the broken one) and go to the hex offset you wrote down. This is the bit you will need to change. To make sure you are changing it to the right value you can diff the two nif files and look for what has changed around that offset.


There might be an easier way to do it but I am not aware of it.



i try it my self not much success i can't find the alpha property in NifSkope

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I read somewhere yesterday the reason the nifs are considered corrupt is nifscope doesnt update the size segment of some part of the file, and all it takes is fixing that up yourself in nifscope before you save and it should work.



do you have any leads on that info? im pulling my hair out waiting for the ability to create nifs that will work with Fo3 >.<

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I read somewhere yesterday the reason the nifs are considered corrupt is nifscope doesnt update the size segment of some part of the file, and all it takes is fixing that up yourself in nifscope before you save and it should work.


How exactly do I do that? I never worked with nifskope before.

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Found it


"With nifs, the size of each data block is stored in the header, but NifSkope isn't always updating this size after editing. So we need to manually get the new size of the block and update it ourselves.

In my example, I've replaced a TriStripsData, and have it selected in the Block List. Now in Block Details view, rClick the first entry, and do Hex Offset, then scroll to the very last entry and do the same. In my case, I get 784 and 27958 (but the last entry is a ushort, so we add 2, giving us 27960 for the end of the block.) The difference of those two is 27176, which is the total size in bytes of this TriStripsData block. (if it's a byte, add 1. shorts, add 2. floats and ints add 4. Vector3, add 12. Vector4, add 16.)


Now do View>View Blocks in List, and select the header. Expand Block Type Index, and find the appropriate entry for your block of data. (if for example, your StripsData block is the second of three models in the file, you want to pick the second from this list.) Starting from 0 at the top of the list, count down until you reach this spot in the index. In my case, this is the 3rd entry. Collapse this index and move on to Block Size, counting in a similar manner to your selected block. Edit the previous value to reflect the new block size. (changed from 45612 to 27960 in my case.) Save and done.


Found in this thread


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Great, thanks :thumbsup:


I'm stuck at this point: "Expand Block Type Index, and find the appropriate entry for your block of data. (if for example, your StripsData block is the second of three models in the file, you want to pick the second from this list.) Starting from 0 at the top of the list, count down until you reach this spot in the index. In my case, this is the 3rd entry. Collapse this index and move on to Block Size, counting in a similar manner to your selected block. Edit the previous value to reflect the new block size. (changed from 45612 to 27960 in my case.) Save and done.".


I tried using the wiki but I can't find a answer. What is "Block Type Index", and what "list" does "Starting from 0 at the top of the list, count down until you reach this spot in the index." refer to?


Here is a picture, if someone can please tell me what to click next:


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