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Fallout: Tactics Reimagined Mod Idea/ Suggestion


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Basically, this mod idea would be a reimagining of Fallout Tactics, but with it being more lore friendly (the Brotherhood will be using T51 power armor instead of the Horned Power Armor, for example.) It will be more linear like Fallout Tactics was, though. Instead of being open world, it will instead use a mission structure, which you will access in your main base.

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It's doable but it would be a fallout miami sized project including voice acting, creating new models for robots, borrowing from mods like fallout commander to have the squad you need for your missions, create companions with dialogue for your playthrough, vehicles are a significant part of that game so you'd have to incorporate them somehow.



plus a story that guides you through the beginning, middle, and end.


Doable but you would need a team to do it.

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The real lore breaking things about tactics wasnât the power armor but the fact the intro messed up the origin of the bos and that the bos let ghouls/mutant/creatures into itâs ranks in the game.

Except that it was made clear that the (not at the time) Midwestern Brotherhood Of Steel was exiled for being more progressive than the rest of the BoS, with the actual leaders of the BoS still standing by their isolationist philosophy. Also, Tactics takes place between Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, NOT after Fallout 2, to be clear.



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