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Serana AI


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First I thought it might be my character, but now I know it is Serana's AI (or path grid, or what ever it is called :tongue: )


The instant you stop moving she starts wandering, and will nudge/push anyone out of her way.

She has pushed 3 of my characters off a clif while doing the DG quest.

While in sneak going to snipe a vampire, she will sneak in front of you blocking your shot.

Talking to someone (weather it is buying supplies, or getting info), she will walk into the NPC and you, pushing you out of her way.


This gets real annoying, so i dont use her as a companion anymore.


Does anyone know of a mod that changes her AI? or replaces it?


Thanks for any info

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There is 'Sneaky Serana'....it doesn't solve all the problems with her, but it's a good start:




Serana is a complete pain in the *ss....when Serana is forced on me it is the only time my Dovahkin will fast travel.....she is a nightmare for a stealth Archer....I also will mountain goat my Dovah to put her as far behind him as possible....and another I read that another Nexus member uses is he hits her with the Ice Form Shout just prior to combat, I thought that is brilliant.... :biggrin: .....As for her wanderings, pushing your Dovah around, interrupting dialogs, etc....I am sadly not aware of any fixes as yet.

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