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Vampire Face Load Bug


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Well, I'm using UOP and still getting this bug, when I load my game, my character face shape resets to the standard, tried everything but still reseting everytime.
I'm using the three UOP patches, blockhead and Oblivion Character Overhaul, why it isn't working? :C

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It should be fixed by the optional

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

that comes with the UOP

Yes, I'm already using this but it doesn't work.



Using a bashed patch will go a long way to getting the UOP and OCOv2 working together.

Bashed? Why?

Edited by Abaddath
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The bashed patch is a feature of Wrye Bash that uses load order plus bash tags to resolve mod conflicts.


Because OCOv2 edits race records it can overwrite many of the changes/corrections made by the UOP without a properly made bashed patch (properly made means correct load order and proper bash tags).

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Basically only one .esp, the last loading, that edits the same "object" will take effect. Wrye Bash finds .esps that edit the same object, and then duplicates these edits into a single .esp, called the Bashed Patch, which you put at the end of your load order.

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Well, I'm using Vortex, not Wrye Bash, I don't know if it has the same feature, but I just put the load order in the recommended, my Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp Is the second in the list, while OCOv2 esp is the last, is this wrong? I uninstalled OCOv2 to see if it was the cause of the problem, but it's still the same. I think I'll just give up.

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As far as I know the only way to get a bashed patch is using Wrye Bash, but that doesn't mean you need to then use WB for all of your mod management. Use WB to create a bashed patch and I'm sure that Vortex (which as far as I know uses LOOT for load order management) should know what to do with the bashed patch.

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