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Can't get the game to start


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I bought and installed the double pack containing both Oblivion and Fallout 3. My computer meets all the needs for both games and Oblivion works perfectly. But when I try to start up Fallout 3 it crashes before even getting to the start screen and gives me an error message claiming it can't read the exe. Now I don't have the internet at home so any suggestions you have for fixing my problem must be ones that I can load onto my usb and use with out having my computer hooked up online. And just so you know I have tried getting a new copy of the game. Same problem. Oblivion works, Fallout 3 doesn't. So what can I do to fix this?
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1...what are you computer specs? (always a good starting point)


2... "Uninstall, Reinstall and Reboot" is an old gamer's mantra... to make sure ALL the files downloaded properly from the disks and "settled" into your game's folders.


I have a 5 year old Dell Inspiron 530 Intel 2.2 Core 2 Duo, WinXP SP 2 (3 gig RAM) bought new for the family business in late 2007. It has been adequate for my own gaming needs with games made up to 2006 and still good enough for later ones like Oblivion (although for that game, after some tweaking was done)


In Jan. 2012 I upgraded my OEM video card to a more gamer friendly GTS 450 and swapped out the OEM PSU for a more powerful one to support the card and/or any later one. Then bought Fallout 3 GOTY....which I had been wanting to play since reading about its development.


At first, like you, it would not start or crash to loading screen. After going through "#2", it ran. But then Fallout 3's engine "does" have its quirks and so does Fallout 3 GOTY. You can find all sorts of advice through the "Search" to help you. Just hope mine helped you get it running....;)

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I have tried uninstaling but I get the same message over and over again. Not sure why my specs matter since my computer plays the other game (Oblivion) that came with it. My uncle has tried to help me by looking up the problem and ound two possible fixes but the one wants me to pay money and the other my computer has to be online to use. I really want to play the game and having the disk just lay in it's case is really upsetting.
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First, read the system requirements for Fallout 3. If you computer does not meet or exceed the requirements, you will have problems. Being able to run another game is irrelevent, you are having a problem with Fallout 3.

Uninstall the game, completely. After uninstall, do a computer restart. Do a new install. When the install wizard asks if you want a default install or custom install, choose custon install.

In the box for the install path, type "C:\" (without "). This will install the game directly on your hard drive outside of the User Account Control.

If you are trying to use a laptop with an integrated graphics card, you will need to do more research here in the Nexus and at the Bethesda site http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/85-fallout-3/

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First, read the system requirements for Fallout 3. If you computer does not meet or exceed the requirements, you will have problems. Being able to run another game is irrelevent, you are having a problem with Fallout 3.

Uninstall the game, completely. After uninstall, do a computer restart. Do a new install. When the install wizard asks if you want a default install or custom install, choose custon install.

In the box for the install path, type "C:\" (without "). This will install the game directly on your hard drive outside of the User Account Control.

If you are trying to use a laptop with an integrated graphics card, you will need to do more research here in the Nexus and at the Bethesda site http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/85-fallout-3/

Not to sound mean or anything but if you have read the top of this page you would have noticed that I said my computer meets the needs written on the game's box. The problem is that it can't seem to read the EXE thing needed to play the game. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and even gotten a new copy but it still can't read the blasted thing. That is the problem I'm having. Let me say it one more so I know you got it. MY COMPUTER MEETS THE NEEDS! IT CAN'T READ THE EXE. THE PROBLEM IS THAT IT CAN'T READ THE EXE. HOW DO I MAKE IT SO IT READS THE EXE!

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Here is a suggestion.....defrag your computer. If you haven't done this in a while, do this. It's amazing how many files get scattered all over and cause problems with new games not working properly no matter how well your computer meets game requirements.


Have you tried disabling the "Microsoft Games for Windows Live"? If I remember right, this is what I did.....After I defraged (and before installing the game)


As mentioned above, Oblivion uses the same game engine...yes...but it is an earlier version of what Fallout 3 uses.


From TweakGuides.com about "Games for Windows Live"


Games for Windows Live: Fallout 3 includes and installs Games for Windows Live, a service long used by XBox players and now available for PC gamers. However because Fallout 3 is a single player game, the Live service isn't vital to the game, as there is no multiplayer component. At best it simply allows people to record and share their achievements online, get notifications of game updates and get additional Downloadable Content (See page 4). Since some users have said that disabling Live has resolved lag and some crash issues for them in Fallout 3, if you want to remove/disable Live successfully, use this G4WL Disabler Mod to disable Games for Windows Live.


Uninstalling/disabling Live as covered above should be trouble-free, but if you do run into problems, reinstall Fallout 3 and Live will be reinstalled along with it. In the end there's no real reason why you should uninstall Live, but as noted, it's not completely necessary and some people do claim that removing it resolves various issues, so try it at your own risk. If you want to keep Games for Windows Live and instead have some other kind of problem with it, check this Official Support Page. Note that there may be saved game issues if you use Live - if you can't see your saved games, check under your (My) Documents/My Games/Fallout3/Saves directory and if there is a subfolder with your Live profile name there, your Live saves will be there. You can copy your saves into/out of your Live folder if you want to play them using Live.


Here is the G4WL Disabler link: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1086


Before upgrading my PSU and Graphics card, I went through several "tweak guides" to maximize what I could do to optimize Oblivion more. The . "TweakGuides.com" has been one of my favorites to go for this. And should for Fallout 3 ( The highlighted link will take you to his "Fallout 3 tweak guide pages") So remember this, I went back and found his page about possible launching problems http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_13.html


Fallout 3 seems to run smoother on WinXP than Win 7. So if you are using Win 7, have you tried using the "Compatibility Mode"? It also appears Win 7 has a problem reading the "Fallout3 .exe" command but there are solutions to it.


Have you tried starting the FalloutLauncher.exe instead? Believe me, you are not alone with this problem but it has been solved.

Edited by Freydis
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P.S. Since your Fallout 3/Oblivion were released "bundled" by Bethesda....Have you updated your Fallout 3 will all current patches?


My uncle has tried to help me by looking up the problem and ound two possible fixes but the one wants me to pay money and the other my computer has to be online to use. I really want to play the game and having the disk just lay in it's case is really upsetting.


Every time I see the TV ad from a particular "fix the registry" company.....(cause my "my computer is so sloooow") I run far away. Ads from these companies (and this one has been around in various forms over the last few years) are "possible" scams. As for needing to pay money to have your problem fixed....no way and not needed. The solution for your "Fallout3.exe not being read" may be found using this site's "Search" function. Yes, it can be frustrating but the 'chase" is worth it.


Being 61 and being a historical researcher, most of my computer expertise (such as it is) is self taught using this method of "chasing down" the quarry. Being a detective who sorts through and digs around for tips/evidence to solve a problem. Being an Admin for another Official game website for several years has also helped while working with game communities.


The game isn't going anywhere.....it will be there waiting to be played as soon as the solution is found and applied. ;)

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Haha....glad your problem is fixed :) However you haven't wasted anyone's time asking.....the majority of gamers I 've known are always willing to help newbies.


My suggestion is to play it in spurts at first to get the "feel" of it and determine what kind of character you want to "play" as. Save often. When outside of the Vault, the "vanilla" Wasteland is pretty grim and foreboding. The Fallout 3 modding community has created several good ones for the "vanilla" game as you probably found out after playing Oblivion for a while.

Edited by Freydis
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