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Hey so i have a problem. I currently use the mods
A quality world map
alternate start live another life
amulets of skyrim sse
andromeda unique standing stones
artifacts of skyrim by heiroftheseptems
ashlander camp
banditry forsworn gear
beasts of tamriel
boars and daggerbacks
bosmer armor pack
bristleback boars
carry weight modifiers
cave bears
cheating chests
cheat room
civil war aftermath se
civil war checkpoints
cls gorehowl
cloaks of tamriel
containers and leveled lists fixed
daedric beasts wendigos and howlers
daedric cloaks
daedric realms volume 1 the hunting grounds by heiroftheseptems
darks orc stronghold
diverse character creation
diverse dragon collection
diverse werewolf collection
dragon carved armor
easy lockpicking
embers hd
enhanced blood textures
extended carryweight
faction pit fighter (both files by the way)
forgotten dugeons sse
get on with it
greater skaal village
green pact armor
grindable mammoth tusks sse
heavy armory
immersive armors, jewelry sse, patrols sse, smilodons, sounds- compendium, weapons, and world encounters sse
imperial dragonknight armory
imperious races
jks skyrim
konahriks accoutrements
kynes warrior armor
leanwofls better shaped weapons
leshens and nekkers
lootable crates se
lord of bears
lore based loading screens
lupine werewolf perk expansion
man those borders
mighty mammoths
mihail wolves for bruma
modern brawl bug fix
mountain lions and panthers
new beginings
nordic life a muse mod
nordic snow
nordic wandered armor
obis se
obsidian weathers
open civil war sse
path of the revenant by heiroftheseptems
patron gods of skyrim
predators the lost tribes
quick loot se
raven rock reborn
reach magic by heiroftheseptems
real wildlife
real wildlife improved
realistic lighting
realistic water two
relationship dialogue overhaul
rich skyrim merchants
riekling reavers
riekling roughriders
riverwood starter chest
royal armory
ruins clutter
rustic clothing and cooking
sami hut
savage bear and wolves
sea of spirits
seals and sea lions
skyrim flora overhaul
skyrim immersive creatures both main file and official patch
staic mesh improvement
stormcloak hero armory
thane wapons reborn
the companions earn your stripes
the forgotten city
great cities
the people of skyrim
true bears of the north
tyrannical trolls
unique uniques se
unofficial skyrim special edition
whiterun valley hold expansion
winter is coming sse cloaks
wolf knight armor
wolves of cyrodiil
wood elf refuge
armor of the old gods truly unique
wolf armor sets remade
fast beast perks
and strange magic forbidden knowledge
im currently using all of these mods for my skyrim se pc and im experiencing issues sometimes the game would freeze while im in combat and the music would still play forcing me to turn off my laptop and turn it back on, i cant use the spell tomes or shrines from reach magic as when i try to use the spell tomes im kicked out onto my desktop, and the shrines just straight up wont work, the companions and frostmoon pack have black faces, im incapable of completing the quest the legend of red eagle as in i cant get into the room and defeat red eagle, whenever i do the quest to get hircines ring and the saviors hide the game only lets me get the hide regardless of whether or not i choose to spare sinding, the perk tree for the strange magic mod doesnt replace the ordinator lockpick perk tree
And i keep leveling up like crazy although im positive this is because i use the cheat room to max out my smithing and level my s#*! up so thats on me
But the stuff above my last sentence are real problems for me i look on loot and i cant find anything that says the mods are conflicting with one another and i cant find anything. if someone can help me i would VERY much appreciate it as it's really frustrating and i just want to chill and play my game when i can.
i have skse 64 installed although i dont know how to work it and my laptop is an asus rog zephyrus.
so again i appreciate anyone who can help me with my dilemma.


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Was it working before the recent update (I think SSE just updated to 1.5.97)?

Make sure you're using LOOT to sort your load order -- the list you show on here shows things that are not in a proper load order, just wanted to be sure :smile:


UPDATE: just noticed your mod list was in alphabetically order -- silly me!

Edited by justinglen75
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Thats the thing though i used loot and everything has been organized by loot. i honestly dont know whats going on, maybe it's the mods themselves or something else.


Side note: the reason my mod list is in alphabetical order is because something happened to the list when a math classmate of mine (same classmate who recommended i go with the asus) at the junior college i currently attend helped me install skse 64

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No worries -- LOOT is awesome. More than likely it could be due to one of the mods in your list. If you haven't already, install SKYUI for SSE -- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=files. Some mods might require the Mod Configuration tool that is included with it.


If it just started crashing AFTER you had updated to the latest version of Skyrim SE (1.5.97 -- just released a few days ago), you often have to wait for SKSE (64) to be updated (sounds like you've already done that) and for some mods that are dependent on SKSE to also be updated due to new update. Always check for updates to your mods.


I think the Cheat Room, while awesome, might/can get flaky and cause crashes if you make weapons, for example, have ridiculous amounts of damage (one-hit kill) or jack around with the skill points -- I don't know that for sure but if you go crazy it might/could cause problems/crashes. When installing mods, I would maybe test them out one at a time to make it a little easier to determine if it's going to be a keeper or if it's a bad egg. Also, before you download a mod make absolute sure if it requires another mod to be installed first.

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Ok thanks so i looked on mod manager and apparently a quality world map, bosmer armor pack, faction - pit fighter, nordic wanderer equipment sse, savage wolves, and the people of skyrim need to be updated although i dont how to.


I looked and i cant remember which mods were dependent on each other or skse, the only ones i know of are reach magic and unique uniques as heiroftheseptems says in order for the 2 to work properly i need to download the alternate reach magic file and unquie uniques, and for wintersun and the hunting grounds mods to work properly i needed to download the former over the latter, immersive creatures also required skse and i have that.


I also forgot to say that bag holding for the steed stone in the andromeda standing stones mod also doesnt work like it doesnt show up.


I dont know how to use mcm either.



Which of the mods i have would you recommend i remove?

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