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Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weaponry


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I would love to see the mod from oblivion Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weaponry imported into a skyrim mod, the weapon skins were just epic. If anyone knows Madcat221 ask him to do a import for it to skyrim x.x


Or if anyone can do it with his permission ofc :) or if theres one already one please seeeeend meeeee a link :3

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to use the resurrect command this thread but I was trolling through the nexus for unique elven weapons for a fresh play through but I find things falling well short of the legendary Ayleid meteroinc iron weapons by Madcat. I have since discovered he's still active on nexus , so I suppose there's a possibly that a port could happen but I also noticed he still has the modded resource up for oblivion so that might be the open invite to port to skyrim, can't be sure though.

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