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Just upgraded windows 7 --- Boss wont read skyrim


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I just upgraded to windows 7 from windows xp. I tried installing a bunch of mods with NMM no problem game worked with most of them, then I needed to get my hands on boss, but it was taken down off nexus website for some reason.


I found a download of the archive somewhere, when i try to update Skyrim master list, it will not show up.





shutting off UAC and restarting .. nothing.


Opening the launcher, through steam, through SKSE, launching game... etc...


I can not seem to find any reason that boss has been taken off of nexus mod list.


can not find any legitimate site for it anywhere else either.



Can someone help me get this squared away. it seems the only problem i have, which might be Hunters guild mod... cut out my sound from game.

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