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Switching from PN to Jsawyer ULT edition


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I think it's time for me to try and switch to Jsawyer ULT edition. I have PN for a looong time and I think it is time to experience and give Jsawyer mod a try.

First things first is to ask, what is the diffs between Jsawyer and PN?

Second thing is, what does Jsawyer offer that PN does not?

Third is, does Jsawyer make combat harder, balanced, or easier?

Fourth and final, does Jsawyer has the Cyber Implant feature?

I know that these two mods can be used together but my load order is getting T H I C C E R and I need it to be lighter.

Anyall can give me some of your ideas?

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If Project Nevada is a Total Conversion, Jsawyer is Vanilla+. (I've never used the "ultimate edition.")


Rather than attempting to emulate other games as PN does, Jsawyer tunes the original game on its own terms, preserving the value of the original game mechanics.


Combat is certainly harder on a statistical level as the player's Health is greatly reduced. (Level 1 with 5 endurance nets you 100HP, +5 HP per level.)

Medium and Heavy Armors also gain DR in addition to their original DT, which can work both for and against you.


Carry weight is also similarly reduced, Base weight is 50 plus 10 for every point of strength. So you're not quite as much a one-courier army, unless you Build for it.


Level cap is reduced to 35, which speaks for itself.


I play on Normal and the game is decently challenging. (Never liked Hard/Vhard as it screws with the game mechanics in so many ways.)

It's harder than vanilla. Whether it's harder or easier than PN is a matter of perspective. Either way, it's more balanced than both.


Also it rebalances Hardcore Needs and radiation in a way that's a lot better: The initial penalty takes a bit longer, but the advanced stages come faster. So you can actually get more value out of high quality food without weathering a stat penalty.


I don't know if the Ultimate version adds new implants, but honestly between The Followers Clinic and OWB, how many do you need?

Thought the point of these balance mods was for a more challenging game, lol.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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If Project Nevada is a Total Conversion, Jsawyer is Vanilla+. (I've never used the "ultimate edition.")


Rather than attempting to emulate other games as PN does, Jsawyer tunes the original game on its own terms, preserving the value of the original game mechanics.


Combat is certainly harder on a statistical level as the player's Health is greatly reduced. (Level 1 with 5 endurance nets you 100HP, +5 HP per level.)

Medium and Heavy Armors also gain DR in addition to their original DT, which can work both for and against you.


Carry weight is also similarly reduced, Base weight is 50 plus 10 for every point of strength. So you're not quite as much a one-courier army, unless you Build for it.


Level cap is reduced to 35, which speaks for itself.


I play on Normal and the game is decently challenging. (Never liked Hard/Vhard as it screws with the game mechanics in so many ways.)

It's harder than vanilla. Whether it's harder or easier than PN is a matter of perspective. Either way, it's more balanced than both.


Also it rebalances Hardcore Needs and radiation in a way that's a lot better: The initial penalty takes a bit longer, but the advanced stages come faster. So you can actually get more value out of high quality food without weathering a stat penalty.


I don't know if the Ultimate version adds new implants, but honestly between The Followers Clinic and OWB, how many do you need?

Thought the point of these balance mods was for a more challenging game, lol.

But if I used these mods together? Would they just go to a balanced basis where they just make everything thing on the middle level?

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The "Rule of One" still applies, even when you use record level conflict resolution. Whichever of PN and JSawyer is the last to affect a given record, "wins". There is no "evening out" or "balancing" coming to a middle ground between the two. So (hypothetically) you could wind up with high damage weapons and low health AND low DT/DR or some other unbalanced consequence (just as an example). To successfully combine two major design difference mods like those, you would essentially need to hand craft a "merge patch" where you cherry picked the record level results you wanted. The more a mod "overhauls" things, the more records you have to examine and choose between.


Not saying it can't be done, but a lot of work. (That is a rabbit hole heading deep into spending all your time "modding" instead of "playing".) Generally you are better off picking one major overhaul and compatible mods affecting specific things (as suggested in the last post).



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