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Need some help with assigning vertices to bones and stuff on a bow


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Well, we're complete noobs at the modding scene, and so far, a friend and I have managed to model the bow we're trying to put into the game. Only problem is, my friend has no idea still how to skin the bow and what bone weights are, and when I try to set bone weights, 3dsmax just crashes. I've also heard that Skyrim uses a completely new system for bows, which is why it's so complicated. Is there a tutorial anywhere we can use for this?


We've read this: http://www.scribd.com/doc/94298531/Tutorial-Skyrim-Bows-From-3ds


But again, my friend is baffled and I just crash. Help...

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Here's a good tut for getting a bow in game (swapping models)




There is a video tut that goes over the process, but the guy skips a step during skinning and causes the string on the bow to bend the wrong way. Still good enough though.




We managed to import bones from other bows, but since they don't line up with the model, trying to set weights for vertices either crashes 3dsmax or simply returns an error. Does that mean I should simply create bones from scratch and align them instead?

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