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Photoshop Textures Wont Work


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NifSkope will not show textures in exact powers of 2 that match. DDS Converter 2, even on WinXP, will not convert files that do not have what it thinks are correct powers of two. Also, anything that DDS Converter will convert, NifSkope will be able to display...which is not a 240 x 240 image.




128 x 128

256 x 256

512 x 512

1024 x 1024

128 x 1024


There are other dimensions that will work in-game that still fit the power of 2 but are not recognized by NifSkope. These are: 1 --> 2 --> 4 --> 8 --> 16 --> 32 --> 64 --> 128 --> 256 --> 512 --> 1024 --> 2048 --> 4096


There are other tools that can export DDS format as well such as Paint.NET which supports it natively or GIMP which has plugins that can be added.


You might find this DDS Tools Listing helpful.


armageddon818, almost forgot, here is your official warning for the SPAM in a prior posting just to reach 100 in your post count. Please review the rules.



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Oops, sorry about that. Thanks for the information and warning... won't do it again! I thought that it meant like all powers of two...


Well actually i had thought that it was power of 4... whatever, I must have made that up myself in my head. I'll try reformatting them all and then see if the dds converter will work...


Thanks again!

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Please use the EDIT button if your post was the last one in the thread. This is still considered double-posting even if it isn't the exact same post (it was only a few minutes apart).



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