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Follower mod


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Hello. I came here to ask a question to see if anyone can make a follower mod for me to use in my mod. This probably sounds silly just even asking about it, because I doubt anyone might do something like this. The only way then I could repay the maker would be a huge thanks and he's name on the credits. My script knowledge is very limited. Hell, I can barelly make a simple quest let alone something like this.


Of all the follower mods outhere, all have options that wouldn't work with my mod.


My question is: Would someone make a follower mod with these features?




-Increase the number of followers maybe up to 30 or something.

-Followers do not level up. They stay on the same level until they die.

-Followers die. No options to choose if they die or not. They simply die.

-Commands that can command the entire party. (ex: Hold this position; Attack; Stand guard, etc)

-You can completly change their gear(armor/weapons/potions etc)



I haven't found one Follower mod with these features, and without it, I can barelly make my mod work.


Now if there is a kind soul outhere that wouldn't mind making a mod like this to use in my mod, or perhaps he already haves a follower mod and would make a special version for me, or maybe even perhaps know of a follower mod that has these features that i'm not aware of. I would be extremelly gratefull!

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