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Whispering Angels from Doctor Who?


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I love the Angels from the Doctor Who show that move only when your not looking at them and in the dark. Someone modder out there has to have some great talent to pull this off.



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There is a mod that does something similar, and you can see a youtube video of it here. The mod itself can be found here and the author just posted the source code for modification. Here are the source code docs in case they get lost.


From what I understand, the author did it by making an invisible fox that follows the player around. Then a second function occasionally spawns the statue whenever it detects the player isn't looking in the invisible foxes direction.


I suppose you could pull something similar off if you had a weeping angel statue (or better yet, several different models in different poses). Then have a similar invisible enemy that follows the player and leaves the statues behind them.


Then... maybe have an option where the invisible enemy can attack the player and if they succeed it teleports them somewhere. That is to say, the weeping angel/invisible enemy doesn't deal damage but instead triggers an event that can send the player somewhere. Most likely the middle of a dungeon somewhere or a remote area of Skyrim. Obviously, you can't have the Angels send people back in time, but a teleportation effect could be doable.


Or maybe it sends them to some plane of Oblivion, Sovengard, or the Soul Cairn if you've got Dawnguard? The thing that makes the weeping angels so scary is that you can't see them in action and while they can't kill you, they can potentially take you away from everything you know and love... all in the blink of an eye.

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