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Using the Console to own a horse


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I'd like to take one of the horses I occasionally stumble across in Skyrim, such as those left after bandits attack peddlers, without having them wander off when not ridden, because the player doesn't actually own them.


The script in the dialog for buying a horse seems to come down to these three lines:


Alias_Horse.GetActorRef().SetFactionRank(PlayerHorseFaction, 1)


Using the console, I can get the first done, but I'm not sure the console can handle the next two lines. Then again, they don't seem to be necessary - the horse follows me when I fast travel, and stays put when I dismount. My question is ... what do the last two lines do, are they necessary, and how do I replicate them with the console?


I *think* that SetFactionOwner sets the "Player's Horse" name when the crosshairs are on the horse, but does it do anything else?


Does the last line just assign the horse's ID to a variable so other scripts can use it?

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  • 3 months later...

So, for the record, the console command (with the horse selected) is "setfactionrank 68d78 1"?

Because I tried this, and the horse still starts walking away the moment I dismount.

I tried using "resetai", to force the horse to reconsider, but to no effect.


What console commands, specificly, did you use?

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I think you have to use addfac:


addfac 68d78 0

Then use -1 instead of 0 if you want to remove them from the faction. For ownership:



I don't know about that third one, but then I would just use:


additem 0f 1000

And then buy a horse if I wanted to cheat about it.

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I don't know about that third one, but then I would just use:


additem 0f 1000

And then buy a horse if I wanted to cheat about it.


Oh, no, I don't normally cheat (unless I'm just goofing around). It's just that I ran into the random encounter with the dead bandit and the horse; and I'm not entirely sure why I can't keep the horse. It's not owned by anyone; and other horses in the game easily switch owners when you buy them, without any loyalty issues.

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Oh, also, I tried this; but it didn't work.


addtofaction 68d78 0

setfactionrank 68d78 1



I'm starting to think maybe it's impossible to own non-purchaseable horses by console command, without modding the game, because it might be an issue of them lacking the AI packages that purchaseable horses have.


Sigh. I didn't want to start modding Skyrim until after I'd beaten the main quest (primarily because I know, once I start modding, I won't be able to stop, if my experience from Fallout 3 is any indicator). But I guess I have no choice, if I want to keep this horse.

Edited by Japhite
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Oh, also, I tried this; but it didn't work.


addtofaction 68d78 0

setfactionrank 68d78 1



I'm starting to think maybe it's impossible to own non-purchaseable horses by console command, without modding the game, because it might be an issue of them lacking the AI packages that purchaseable horses have.


Sigh. I didn't want to start modding Skyrim until after I'd beaten the main quest (primarily because I know, once I start modding, I won't be able to stop, if my experience from Fallout 3 is any indicator). But I guess I have no choice, if I want to keep this horse.

you should "own" that horse at this point (you can ride it without it being stealing right?)

you are also spot on about the AI packages, that's why that horse won't stay in one place and always wants to walk back to wherever.


you would have to force that horses ref into that "PlayersHorse" Alias on the stables quest to get the proper AI package, or somehow force that horse to use that AI package without filling the alias


I don't think there is a way to do either of those from the console tho, sorry.

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  • 1 year later...

Appologies for necroposting, but this might still be of use to someone:

My vampire PC killed all inhabitants of the Whiterun Stables before realizing that she'd look really great on a black horse; without anyone to pay to for it, she stole the horse by way of:

~ [click horse]

setfactionrank 00068d78 1 (that's player horse faction)




(the horse was given a temporary name by "convenient horse herding" mod, so I don't know if vanilla skyrim would name it 'player's horse' or not. But MyBlackSoul follows the vampire faithfully wherever she goes)


Later she found a lonesome chestnut in a smugglers' den and repeated the process. There was a brief period of confusion when the first horse wouldn't let anyone ride it (it lacked any kind of activation message), but loading to another cell and back - in this case entering and leaving the stables - solved that problem. Possibly quicksave/quickload would work too, but I can't be sure.


Later yet, (after installing 'horses for followers' mod), the vampire decided to give a not-mod-added horse to her follower, and I tried this:

setfactionrank 370022f7 1 (follower horse faction)

setownership 5c84d (follower faction)


The first test was successful - the follower mounted the horse when she did (after a bit of running around and tripping over a dog, but that's another story). I'll have to play for a bit to see if any problems pop up.

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  • 3 years later...

Synita13 is that close :happy:


It works, yes. But not for stolen horses with an existing faction. Taking ownership of a bandit horse with that method will agro anything not player faction that is opposed to bandit faction. Got to set the bandit faction to 0 (I don't know the code for bandit faction). This might be true of other factions as well, Stormcloak, Imperial, Vampire, etc, etc.

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