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A Few Graphical Issues with ENB


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I've had these issues for a while now and I think at least two of the problems are cause by my ENB settings. I wasn't sure how to search for them so I thought I'd post here to see if anybody has a fix.


This first one is a texture issue that I haven't been able to fix:



The second one I want to know if its possible to get rid of these light shafts from spotlights and street lights:



And lastly, how to get rid of this bright blue effect that are on these windows, and the blue also shows up in smoke from fires:


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Your first problem is a "vertex shading" issue. Please see the "Lines in the ground" entry of the "TES Texture Guide" (now on the "web.archive.org" site) which discusses the problem. (It applies to any adjacent LOD quads causing a similar effect.)


The "light shafts" are due to your ENB Preset settings. Please see the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. You will need to either 1) try a different preset, or 2) investigate the specific settings (there are links to articles discussing those settings).



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Your first problem is a "vertex shading" issue. Please see the "Lines in the ground" entry of the "TES Texture Guide" (now on the "web.archive.org" site) which discusses the problem. (It applies to any adjacent LOD quads causing a similar effect.)


The "light shafts" are due to your ENB Preset settings. Please see the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. You will need to either 1) try a different preset, or 2) investigate the specific settings (there are links to articles discussing those settings).





Is there any way I can tell which mods are changing the texture of my skybox, or do I have to look through them manually? I have Nevada Skies, NMC's Textures and ILO, if that helps.


Also, I can't seem to find the articles dealing with this issue and I've tried looking through my enb settings.

Edited by PhazedEWG
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My first suspect would be "Nevada Skies", because ... well: "Skies"! Then would be NMC. ILO is "interiors" and least likely.


Try opening the console, clicking on the sky to each side of the "line" one at a time. Each "click" should give you the "Ref-ID" of that section of sky, the first two character of which are the "mod index" number of the source mod in your "load order". (This is explained in more detail in the "Issue - Find the source mod-index of an object in-game" entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.)


Which articles can't you find? The S.T.E.P. Project ENBseries Guide and ENBLocal INI Guide links are still working. So is the ENB Series Wiki page. If you are anticipating articles specific to your particular issues, I don't know of any. (But then I gave up on "post processors" in general as more trouble than they are worth to me.) Mostly you have to experiment after reading up on which setting are most likely. (Which is why there are so many different "presets" around. You are in effect "rolling your own".)



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I've had that with Nevada Skies and no ENB, try placing the Nevada Skies esp last in your load order.


I tried that but I'm still having the same issues.


Also when i disable my ENB, those light shafts and the weird blue lighting are still there. So I am not really sure where to start on trying to solve them, especially the blue lighting.



Well I've managed to fix the blue issue by removing "New Vegas Essentials".

Edited by PhazedEWG
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The light shafts aren't a post processing effect, they're meshes with transparency. Nothing to do with ENB.


Did you do the shader package replacement tweak? If so, try undoing it to see if the sky gets fixed. Also, uninstall Nevada Skies and see if it persists.


Do you know of any way to remove them or reduce them so they aren't so bright?


And I don't believe I've done that tweak, is there a way to tell if I have?

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