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Inventory Image for Custom armor is far way


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Greetings all,


I am having problems with a set of custom armor I have made. I have done this many times and made specific mods, so I am not new to this. My problem is this : when adding ONE specific piece of my armor ( the chest ) to world models for inventory and _gnd , the chest appears VERY VERY tiny, or you could say very far off. None of my other pieces do this, even another chest from a different set of custom armor I have made. I tried taking the .nif of most every other piece I have that works just fine and deleting my meshes and replacing them with the chest meshes I want to work, but I either get a CK crash when trying to update to a new world model for it, or a CTD. I can not for the life of me figure this out.


Any help from anyone who has experienced this problem would be most appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my question.




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Checked the BSInvMarker aka INV[1] block in NifSkope? In it's block details is a ZOOM value that determines the "size" / zoom of the inv model.


Yes and no matter what I set it to it still appears the same in CK / Game. I'm not sure why. Also when I try just taking say DragoneBonearmoGO and deleting the mesh, then importing my meshes into it, I get recursive link errors up the you know what and CK crashes, as well as Skyrim CTD. Again, I have no clue why this one armor set wont work.

Edited by Shaydow
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There are no BSDismemberSkinInstance blocks in the nif, right?


No I removed them. However you just made me have a thought. I dont think I removed the whole branch. Should I? Also I didn't add the BSInvMarker untill I was trying to figure out why it wouldn't work correctly. Would this matter? ( attached as extra data to my Scene Root ).

Edited by Shaydow
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Me myself i just use an original random item like the DaedricSword and replace the original meshes with my armor meshes - for the ground model of course, takes 1min and nothing could go wrong since it's just a static nif for display purposes. And jeah, there should be no empty/unnecessary blocks in the nif, might cause a crash.
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There are no BSDismemberSkinInstance blocks in the nif, right?


No I removed them. However you just made me have a thought. I dont think I removed the whole branch. Should I? Also I didn't add the BSInvMarker untill I was trying to figure out why it wouldn't work correctly. Would this matter? ( attached as extra data to my Scene Root ).


Holy crap on a jumping stick! I am such a tard. I'm glad you said something though. I HAD Missed ONE BSDismemberSkinInstance in my .nif lol. If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have even checked for it. My man, you are a LIFESAVER! Thank you so much! I appreciate your help!




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