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Skyrim Special Editon Crashing on Start-up


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Use skse? Have old mods dependent on skse? Recent update could be screwing things.


Here is a test, clean out your skse plugin folder, if you can launch skse then perhaps something didn't update right. It's easy to lose track of some skse dependent mods if your not careful. For example, I forgot caco is skse dependent and it causes ctd with latest patch.


thanks so much for responding! I can't seem to find the plugin folder but does the message "Can't find Skyrim.exe" tell you anything? They're on the same drive so it should be fine, right? Sorry I don't know too much about this haha

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Use skse? Have old mods dependent on skse? Recent update could be screwing things.


Here is a test, clean out your skse plugin folder, if you can launch skse then perhaps something didn't update right. It's easy to lose track of some skse dependent mods if your not careful. For example, I forgot caco is skse dependent and it causes ctd with latest patch.


thanks so much for responding! I can't seem to find the plugin folder but does the message "Can't find Skyrim.exe" tell you anything? They're on the same drive so it should be fine, right? Sorry I don't know too much about this haha


Sounds like a bad install of skse. Redownload it, empty the contents into the same folder that has Skyrim.exe in it. Depending on the drive you installed steam in it could be something like. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition (I didn't install in the default location)

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Use skse? Have old mods dependent on skse? Recent update could be screwing things.


Here is a test, clean out your skse plugin folder, if you can launch skse then perhaps something didn't update right. It's easy to lose track of some skse dependent mods if your not careful. For example, I forgot caco is skse dependent and it causes ctd with latest patch.


I was having similar problems as the OP. I tried what you suggested and it worked! Thanks a lot.

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this thread helped me to get my game working again after the update to SkyrimSE1.5.97 and SKSE 2.0.17


So after updating to 1.5.97 and skse64 2.0.17 Vortex kept warning me about the mods that skse64 was reporting as incompatible. I knew exactly which Mods to go update one by one. But for whatever reason Vortex didn't detect that the mod "More Informative Console" needed an update to be compatible with Skyrim 1.5.97. Also, using Vortex to "Check for an update" for More Informative Console didn't show as needing an update.


After finding this thread and looking in the \skse\Plugins folder and finding a .dll and .ini for "More Informative Console"...I decided to go to that mod's file page and have a look.


Sure enough, there was an update for 1.5.97 with SKSE 2.0.17.


After updating More Informative Console - Badda bing, badda Boom! Skyrim launched finally!

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