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Price of rig to play on ultra?


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I got mine off newegg last year for just over 700. Plays really nicely on high - the only actual complaints I have are a loud hard drive and the size of the hd itself. (l went with a smaller one to save $.)

Check new egg & tigerdirect out and see what they have for prices. :)

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I got mine off newegg last year for just over 700. Plays really nicely on high - the only actual complaints I have are a loud hard drive and the size of the hd itself. (l went with a smaller one to save $.)

Check new egg & tigerdirect out and see what they have for prices. :)

If you don't want to build theres always iBuypower or cyberpowerpc.

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There are package deals at most of the big online stores. Here is one I got a month ago. $1135.00. Iy was all in one package I added a few things but still under $1500 with operating system a 3 Terabite hard disk drive.


Sabertooth Z-77

Core i5 3570K

Corsair Vengence 16MB - 1600 kit

Corsair Gaming GS-700 power supply

Corsair F120 SSD



Corsair Carbide 400R Case

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$1000-$2000 approx, depending on what you want in it.


Completely false. My PC is 2-3 years old and I run ultra + 2k, flora overhaul, lush grass/trees.


ATI HD5850


AMD Phenom II x6 1055T 2.80 GHz


I Average 40-50 FPS. This hardware today would run you ~800

Edited by archeyreece
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$1000-$2000 approx, depending on what you want in it.


Nope... $900 for ultra at 60 fps most of the time, and I use many, many mods. Once in a while in Riften it'll drop lower. My specs are in my sig. The framerate will drop into the 50s in Riften and once in a while around the Solitude Swamp.


if I don't use mods I get 140 fps on ultra standing in the tundra, lol. The tundra just looks that bad I guess.

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I got a friend to order it for me & let me pay him so he could build the thing. Thank god for that, or I woulda been SOL. This one had the features i wanted in a price I could handle. At the time (this was a year ago now) the pre-built ones I was looking at weren't gonna work out, though thye would've been easy. I was fairly impressed with newegg tho.
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