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Looks like I am Done with Updating


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The SKSE dependent DLL mods are getting updated pretty quickly for SKSE64 2.0.17 and SkyrimSE 1.5.97 this round ..... but this time round I have HDT for 2.0.16 and that isn't likely to get updated. There may be a few others too....


So the choice is to keep what I have that works well or:


1) Download a 5GB "update" that is really paid content that I have no interest whatsoever. This requires me to actually move my gaming PC to another location where there is unlimited wifi AND


2) Lose SSE functionality that I like AND


3) Spend an hour or 2 downloading updating and testing


All for absolutely nothing but the update of the Unofficial patch.......which now only supports 2.0.17 SSE in its latest version.


Ya I'm am a pirate mateyy ....... arggggggg ........... No I am just not a masochist.


I would make a delta patch with selected new edits from the 2.0.17 friendly Unofficial Patch but it simply isn't worth it as A has version control scripts baked into it and some navmesh edits that will cause CTD with the 2.0.16 SSE


What a mess ....... I guess the real question is how long before Beth pays Valve enough money to introduce code into the mandatory Steam Platform updates that kills any SSE install not up to date?


I has already if you play other Steam games which fortunately I do not. In Canada it is quite impossible to prevent updates, and the "only update game when Skyrim loads" is DISABLED. If one had a lot of other games, playing htem would eventually update your SSE. This means the only way to prevent an update is to set updates to only happen in the middle of the night an then never every leave Steam open or play during that time.

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Surprisingly, HDT got updated and that was the last...... nope ... many more to go.....


To those on mobile Internet only who don't want to blow 5GB of their quota or move the PC...


Install Steam on a laptop, install SSE with the update and back it up ..... then restore it to your gaming PC.


Starbucks has lightning fast data where I am if you go in off hours for students..


Nevermind ...... many of the dll mods I use haven't been updated yet .... so I had to undo all the updating which fortunately is easy with MO2

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I just installed SE a few weeks before the latest "update" of Skyrim. Thank God I made a back-up of my executable. I'm still running SKSE64 200 16. and will continue with this build until I find a mod that is a "must have " that requires the latest script extender update. Why? because I like modding Skyrim, but, I LOVE playing it.

Aye, just started with MO2 also and it truly is a godsend...

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Looks like Fudglyduff's mods are slowly gettng updated .....


But 2 mods show no sign of update to 2.0.17 and they are Papyrus Extender and Frozen Electrocuted Combustion by PowerofThree


Lol ...... its not a hard decision


FEC vs (all 1.5.97 has to offer including the latest USKP)


On a scale of 1 to 100 that represents my willingness to update without FEC ....... it is a zero

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I just installed SE a few weeks before the latest "update" of Skyrim. Thank God I made a back-up of my executable. I'm still running SKSE64 200 16. and will continue with this build until I find a mod that is a "must have " that requires the latest script extender update. Why? because I like modding Skyrim, but, I LOVE playing it.


Aye, just started with MO2 also and it truly is a godsend...


2.0.16 may end up being the gold version of SSE ....... but who knows ....

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PS ...... if you want PowerofThree to update Papyrus Extender and thereby FEC ..... support him or her on Patreon ....... I did......


Like it or not that is the way the world works .......... many many people are reduced to working basically for free and some cant even give it away ....


But Pof3 made something essential for Skyrim SSE ....... and that should not be for free.....

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