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Hiring people things in Hearthfire [The topic itself'll help; this


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Long story short, Iunno where/how to hire Gunjar, Llewellyn the Nightingale or get any Livestock [Whatever livestock can be obtained. I'm pretty sure I have the house entirely built as it won't allow anything new to be constructed, that I've seen. Only thing I can think of is that I'm not Thane of Falkreath, but that'd probably only be why I don't have Rayya yet. Can anyone help stupid little me?


P.S., I own Lakeview Manor.

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You have to hire someone to be your house's steward before you can buy upgrades like that for your house.


Many followers can be made a Stweard, including the hosuecarl you get when you become thane, which is probably the best person to pick.


As for other followers that can be stewards, a list can be found here


Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Is there a way to not make one a seward AFTER being a steward? Or is it a one-time deal?
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To be honest, I never tried this myself as I tend to be very picky when it comes to naming a steward in any of the three homesteads, especially the one where my family lives (Lakeview Manor), but - quoting TES Wiki - "Once a steward has been chosen, they cannot be dismissed or replaced unless they die". Edited by Inquart
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