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According to Lore.


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Because then Martin is the new Emperor, and the war of succession doesn't happen, and the world is probably a better and happier place? Without the empire completely collapsing? Maybe? Martin will remember you. Sortof. But it's not like anyone is going to really understand what happened. If you go back in time and rewrite history, all the history you made in the future is void, and so, you are forgotten by default. I'm not saying everyone should hold my opinion. It would make the next TES game a lot different anyway, and they wouldn't need to resolve the civil war.


Cept you can't do that. Because all a Time Wound does is allow you to directly look back on a moment in history at a specific spot. It's a vision.


Not to mention the possibilities for you to screw things up big time by messing around with the time stream.

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Eh, it's no more crazy and convoluted than the Dragon Break. Alduin would probably still be defeated because that took place in Aetherius instead of on Mundus, and if it's anything like the daedric realms time is different there than on Mundus. And because Alduin is a dragon, and they are 'creatures of time'. Perhaps the Dragonborn can tap into this time business. Perhaps Akatosh, Azura (or the Daedra or Divine of your choice) could be invoked to make this happen. And if the scroll could send Alduin forward in time... why can't a whole heap of scrolls work to send our Dragonborn back in time?


Who knows? Really. Tamriel could be perfectly flat and balanced on the head of a celestial squid for all we know. And we definitely don't know that messing with time would be 'bad' because time has already been messed with on multiple occasions. This is a world with random portals opening into other worlds that have unmoving black holes in the sky. It clearly doesn't follow the natural laws we are used to. The sun is supposed to be a giant hole made by a god for pity's sake. And then there's the space core which may or may not be considered canon, which throws a wrench in the whole thing. There may not even be a time wound in the Temple of the One, and it's not like we'll ever find out, because this is never going to happen, because Bethesda stopped using methods to completely 'end' the game after 'winning' when players complained about it.


But back to the real topic, and not my inane theories... I'd still prefer Not to be Queen? (or King if I ever try playing a male again.) If it's done correctly, and not just a title like, 'Harbinger' or 'Archmage', then you have unfun responsibilities and never get to adventure again. You are required to deal with other politicians, and they will mostly be trying to manipulate you. While you might be rich, wealth is almost meaningless in any TES game. There also might still be some issues pertaining to the Civil War, and as it's not a good idea to have a monarch clearing enemy forts, you would have to find some people to hire and do it. If it's just another title, why bother?

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I said somewhere I'd like to return to Cyrodiil to fight a war of succesion. I wasn't too clear. I would rather be fighting to put Tullius or even Ulfric on the throne of the Empire. Better Ulfric than a bunch of backstabbers on the throne. The Empire needs to be one. If Ulfric as Emperor unites mankind, so be it!
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I said somewhere I'd like to return to Cyrodiil to fight a war of succesion. I wasn't too clear. I would rather be fighting to put Tullius or even Ulfric on the throne of the Empire. Better Ulfric than a bunch of backstabbers on the throne. The Empire needs to be one. If Ulfric as Emperor unites mankind, so be it!


can you picture ulfric as highking or emperor even?

ulfric as highking would be a disaster for skyrim, let alone making him emperor. making ulfric emperor would cause more damage to the empire then the oblivion crisis & the great war combined.

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Thanks for all the input, I really did not expect anyone to chime in. Very good points made and some interesting ideas, I also like to factor in the area of tamriel where these stories take place as well, Like Nerevarine being Dunmer because it fits into the picture a bit easier being placed in morrowind. And the Champion of Cyrodiil seems to me an Imperial fits right in, And I come back to Nord's being the only race able to use the Thu'um (shout). Never does it say Kyne bestows the power of the voice on any but the Nord's, Plus this is Skyrim home of the Nord's, The troubles over skyrim require a high king to unite them and ready them against the dominion. The DragonBorn being uniquely gifted in the voice is only ever stated by the Jarl of whiterun. And hes a fool puppet of the dead empire(dominion) The Empire obviously died when the treaty was signed, The founder of the Empire and obviously an actual divine Talos was cast aside by them instead of fighting until the end like they should have, Never give up Never surrender, well they surrendered and the empire is no more(technically) I have always disliked the way the Empire works anyways and I am glad they finally killed it in the lore as well, This gives opportunity for a new world without oppression(or as much of it). Every race has it's own special ability, Now to me it wont make sense for anything other than a nord to be dragonborn due to the time and the place and of course the power of the voice as an option, If other races get special privileges from kyne to use the thu'um, well then where and when do nord's get to have waterbreathing or imperial luck or khajiit claws or this list goes on and on, but you see my point? The nord's special gift is the power of the voice, argonians breathe water blah blah blah...I can't use comments by npc's to go by as being actual lore because that always changes in the next game, so lets not use hear-say from props :D Also, Kyne seems to me a Nord god? I forget so much so easily. Please more :D
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Honestly, Ever since I played morrowind I have waited for them to make a game where the Nord's get their special ability to use the voice, And I was ALWAYS a dunmer in morrowind and always imperial in oblivion, and always will i choose nord in skyrim, and I can't wait for the khajiit and argonains stories as well, to me, Skyrim is a Nord's story and its about time. Edited by KingDon28
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i've played every stock race and class in morrowind & oblivion, and most races in skyrim, i didn't feel you should only play dunmer in morrowind, or imperial only in oblivion. in morrowind the lore itself stated the nerevarine was an "outlander", seems it fits better if s/he was not dunmer at all. in oblivion i never got the feeling that it felt wrong to be a nord hero, or a dunmer, or bosmer.

nor does it feel wrong for me personally when the dovahkiin turnouts to not be a nord.

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I actually never played a Dunmer in Morrowind, because I didn't like feeling like I was pushed into it, but I feel like the Nerevarine should be a Dunmer; even Dunmer from outside of the province are considered Outlanders ;) It just seems like Dunmer wouldn't really accept a reborn Nerevar of any other race, as xenophobic as they tend to be.


Whereas in Oblivion I actually played an Altmer, and it didn't seem to me that there was any reason the champion should be an Imperial. Cyrodiil is the heartland of the empire and is very cosmopolitan; no one really seemed all that nation-proud, unlike in Morrowind and Skyrim. Cyrodiil seems almost to think that the entire empire is one big happy country.


It seems like the Dragonborn is most likely to be a Nord, but not quite as required as the Nerevarine being Dunmer. As long as the Dovahkiin isn't an elf is seems pretty plausible. Personally, Bretons have always been my race of choice in all games, and I like to play a Breton and pretend I'm a Reachman, showing those Nords how its done. ^^


(Also, the Empire isn't dead, it's just... shrunk. You still have Cyrodiil, High Rock, Skyrim, and Morrowind, for what that's all worth ^^; )

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in morrowind being a dunmer outsider made you more an outsider than any other race.




in morrowind nothing was more shunned than a dunmer not born of morrowind. Nords invading from skyrim probably received a warmer welcome then your average outlander dunmer.

Edited by Invisible Man
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i've always wondered about this, since I'm not versed in as much of the lore as i'd like. When the npcs refer to the player being dragonborn, are they referring at all to the players actual lineage? I'm not going to touch on the argonian/kahjitt being dragonborn because that's too complicated for me, but how does that work out? I always kind of figured there was a genetic point to it - lost heirs and all that stuff.

No, it isn't genetic, as The Book of the Dragonborn discusses. There was no hereditary relation, for example, among the founders of the three empires: Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, and Tiber Septim. There have also been Dragonborn outside the imperial lines, as we can meet one in Sovngarde, and the Greybeards say it may be possible for there to be others in the world that have not come to their attention as you did.


It appears that being Dragonborn is a direct gift from Akatosh, though he perpetuated the gift within the imperial lines because of the Covenant. As long as the descendants were "true to the dragon blood", the gift was maintained and the Gates of Oblivion were kept sealed. But that is a matter of the will of Akatosh rather than a genetic entitlement, and nothing stops him from giving the gift elsewhere.


This is all a separate issue from the gift of the Voice that Kynareth gave to the Nords. She did not create any Dragonborn, and there were none during the Dragon War or for a long time thereafter. The first to receive Akatosh's gift was Alessia, who was not a Nord but a Nede from one of the human tribes of Cyrodiil.


Though all Nords have the Voice, the racial ability they share (Battle Cry) doesn't seem to be draconic in nature. There are no words to it that must be learned, raising some questions about the nature of the Voice. Obviously one must have the Voice to be able to learn to Thu'um using the dragon language. But it looks as if there may be neglected possibilities in the gift that are unconnected with the dragons. I wonder if any of the Greybeards in the history of their order have ever pondered this.

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