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According to Lore.


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The way I see it, This is Skyrim and it needs a high king preferably a nord. Definatley not ulfric but not an emperial either. And Nord's customs do not follow the empire so being Dragonborn and high king and Nord, you would surly still continue to adventure and conquer and so on. Politics are not really as important to the nord's simply because they like to learn from their mistakes unlike the empire so all that about who should do what goes right out the window. The most capable warrior is of course the dragonborn so using that and the seat of high king and being on the front line of the massacre of the aldmeri dominion would be epic to me, I would Love to see a mod or dlc to become ruler of skyrim and eventually tamriel and many epic battles and the destruction of the dominion AND the empire pave the way for a new rule by the High King of all tamriel. After conquering tamriel the dragonborn armed with the greatest weapons and artifacts from tamriel embarks on a journey to conquer akavir and so on. maybe even moves on to conquer some realms of oblivion and steal the powers of the daedra or something like that :D
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Well if this is to be the "last" dragonborn, let the journey never end? Lets not stop until we have the throne of akatosh himself? The possibilities are endless.



Then another game can be your new PC destined to destroy the Tyrant dragonborn :mellow:

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To me, The nerevarine was most definately a dunmer,

Hmmm Morrowind Lore says different Indoril Nerevar. Indoril Nerevar was a Chimner, Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


Just to set the lore correct :tongue:


Nerevarine, not Nerevar. Nerevar was a Chimer, whereas the Nerevarine was the player character in Morrowind, the reincarnation of the aforementioned, who could have been any playable race (but probably should have been Dunmer).

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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To me, The nerevarine was most definately a dunmer,

Hmmm Morrowind Lore says different Indoril Nerevar. Indoril Nerevar was a Chimner, Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


Just to set the lore correct :tongue:


Nerevarine, not Nerevar. Nerevar was a Chimer, whereas the Nerevarine was the player character in Morrowind, the reincarnation of the aforementioned, who could have been any playable race (but probably should have been Dunmer).



BUT is the nerevarine REALLY the reincarnation of Nerevar? Think about that.

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Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


it was the actions of the tribunal that turned the chimer into the dunmer. azura didn't have anything to do with it personally.

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Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


it was the actions of the tribunal that turned the chimer into the dunmer. azura didn't have anything to do with it personally.

...She cursed them after the Tribunal defied their oath and Sotha Sil cursed her. That's as personal as it gets.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


it was the actions of the tribunal that turned the chimer into the dunmer. azura didn't have anything to do with it personally.

...She cursed them after the Tribunal defied their oath and Sotha Sil cursed her. That's as personal as it gets.


No hes right, Azura even said it wasn't her doing. Anything that happened was their own doing. Azura facilitated their downfall but they were failing already.

Edited by luzburg
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Azura changed the Chimner to Dumner after the Battle of Red Mountaiin.


it was the actions of the tribunal that turned the chimer into the dunmer. azura didn't have anything to do with it personally.

...She cursed them after the Tribunal defied their oath and Sotha Sil cursed her. That's as personal as it gets.


No hes right, Azura even said it wasn't her doing. Anything that happened was their own doing. Azura facilitated their downfall but they were failing already.

Nope. Vivec, the Tribunal Temple and many other sources say that it was her. She says it was her.


Azura didnt like the Anumidium, or it's power (specifically mortals trying to play or make god). They (the Tribunal) swore an oath to her, they broke the oath and dismissed her, and she cursed them.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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