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Hadvar/Ralof Companion


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It's a simple request, but I imagine it might be a little complicated. It can't be impossible, surely.


Is there anybody skilled enough (Or has someone already done it, I can't find it on the nexus) to make Hadvar and Ralof into companions once you finish the civil war questline? Perhaps flesh them out a bit, give them some dialogue, marriageable, etc?


It'd be cool, thanks!

(Stay safe for Sandy if you're on the east coast).

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For Ralof:




From what I hear, it is much more difficult to implement with Hadvar as he has a unique voice, so the extra script dialog isn't actually in the game for him.

Why not wait till the civil war is over (all his scripted events done & over by then), then remove his current reference and replace it with a new actor that is identical except for voice type & follower dialog?


not sure if that is possible either, but it could be...

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