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So I want to ask about porting mods


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Firstly, I apologize if this is a repeat thread, or if the answer *should* be blatantly obvious. I just haven't came across any solid word myself, so I figured I'd ask here.



Oldrim has a huge amount of good mods, and too many of them have had the author disappear. I'll take a couple examples:


Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal

MissAnithrope C Eyes (links to author's site)

Tamriel Online

Oblivion Hair Pack

UNP Naughty


... and quite a few more I'm sure many can think about. Some mods can be converted and others work just fine in SE without any changes, but there are mods that completely need a bit of a rework to get into SE.


Question being, what exactly are the rules on importing, exporting, and taking over mods? I've seen ones on SE that are plain imports because they were liked, and ones that said they got the original author's permission. It's never been made clear where the line is drawn.


Personally I'd love to see Tamriel Online and Pirate of Skyrim on SE (the latter which I wouldn't mind taking over myself), but I'd like to know what can and can't be done to Oldrim mods, even if they are abandoned.

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See "Terms and Policies" (link at the top of this and every page). I think you know which Terms and Policies. The ones to which you agreed when you made an account.


Just in case: "User submissions which include copyrighted content, be it game files or images, are prohibited unless proper permission has been granted by the property owner or appropriate representation."


You are correct. This has been covered many times. If you don't have permission, see above. If you can't get permission, see above.


Unless the mod author states on the mod description page, everything posted on Nexus Mods is copyrighted.

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I've seen ones on SE that are plain imports because they were liked, and ones that said they got the original author's permission. It's never been made clear where the line is drawn.


Personally I'd love to see Tamriel Online and Pirate of Skyrim on SE (the latter which I wouldn't mind taking over myself), but I'd like to know what can and can't be done to Oldrim mods, even if they are abandoned.

It is actually clear where the line is, both with Nexus terms and with the standards generally accepted by the community at large. Don't upload something that isn't yours unless you have permission to do so. It doesn't matter if the mod has been abandoned; those cases suck, but the mod belongs to its creator.


That some of those mods you mention remain is only a result of them not being reported. Nexus moderators are not omniscient; things need to be reported to be removed. Before SKSE64 was released for SSE and SkyUI officially ported over by its author, there were dozens of unauthorized ports uploaded to the SSE Nexus. Because that is a well-known mod, and the author's wishes about ports were widely known, it was usually swiftly reported and those ports were taken down, but sometimes they remained for a few days.


You can port something for your own use, but that's it unless you have author permission to upload.

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  • 4 months later...


Sometimes authors are hard to reach for permission. For instance, no one knows if the author of Cerwiden is still living.

If you can't communicate with the author to get permission, you have to assume that the author has no interest in granting it.


Or perhaps the right medium for a seance has not been found.

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