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So I want to ask about porting mods


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I will tell you, you can forget about the Oblivion Hair Pack. I tried getting permission from the author a couple years ago because I wanted to use one of the hairs for a follower. Never heard back. It sucks, but it is what it is.


Edit: I just remembered that several of the hairstyles in OHP are also in SG Hairs, so you might possibly not need it at all.

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Yeah, I've been wondering myself about which mods from LE could simply be installed without issue on SSE. Far from wanting to experiment I have been willing to just be content with those mods which are converted. It seems that there are problems across the board. I don't understand the vagaries of converting mods from LE to SSE, but there seem to be a lot of immersion breaking bugs if not game breaking. I don't want to go back to LE but I'm wondering if some of us wouldn't be happier just dealing with 32 bit and whatever performance mods are available and wait for SSE to catch up.

Are these problems related to individual mod authors needing to work out bugs, is is it something more fundamental? Is it Vortex? It seems to act a bit squirelly with SSE compared to LE i.e missing mods after install, can't reinstall any mods from archive having instead to remove and reinstall from file, problem with profiles moving save games to subfolders etc. etc.


Should we go back to LE and wait for gaming goodness? Should we switch to MO?


Sorry its more questions and no answers. I guess in the meantime wwe will all keep playing around with it until we figure out what works best.

Let's not forget that this game platform is the first and best which allows us to have as much fun modding the game as playing it.

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Yeah, I've been wondering myself about which mods from LE could simply be installed without issue on SSE

At a minimum, you need to run any LE mod through the SSECK to update it to the newest form. Yes, you can technically skip that step, but you are begging for an unstable game if you do; which is where I suspect some of the "game breaking bugs" you mentioned come from. Anything with it's own meshes and textures (Hairstyles, followers, armor/weapons, etc) also need to to have those run through one of the conversion programs available. Other than some follower head-meshes, it's usually a fairly straight-forward process.


I'm wondering if some of us wouldn't be happier just dealing with 32 bit and whatever performance mods are available and wait for SSE to catch up


Overall, I think most mods for SSE are stable and run well; obviously, I haven't tried them all (or even a large portion of them) but I haven't run into many stability issues in my own game, even when I'm doing my level best to break it. SSE is definitely more forgiving in regards to things like high-res textures and excessive amounts of crap moving on the screen. As always, YMMV, based on modding practices, system setup, etc..



missing mods after install, can't reinstall any mods from archive having instead to remove and reinstall from file, problem with profiles moving save games to subfolders etc. etc.

It sounds like a lot of your problems are with Vortex, not the mods themselves. I'm a MO guy and probably will be as long as I play skyrim and Fallout, so I can't help you there. If you want to switch, there is a learning curve, but there are some great videos on setting it up and using it on YT if you are interested (I'm a fan of Gopher's vids myself).

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