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Charecter select on save


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I generally like to play different character types. is there a way to make a menu that allows us to keep this char or that char in their own separate save? instead of save 341 for instance....it would say "character name" or maybe even develop an avatar system to pick the character. Or is this impossible?
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Wrye Bash does allow you to rename the saves. It does have a count reset too but I couldn't ever get it to work. You can also manually rename the file so long as you keep the extension in place.


However changing how the save/load window actually works is most likely not possible. I would say try to make your manual saves in well lit places with your character's face in the camera view. That way you can see which character is in that save when you highlight it.

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To add to what Ankh said, you probably want to have a look at this



To add to what Ishara said, I think it's technically possible (after all, all the skyrim UI thingies are flash + scaleform and someone with sufficient skill in both could hack them up any which way) but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for such a mod.


I think the mod I linked to will do what you want.

Edited by acidzebra
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To add to what Ankh said, you probably want to have a look at this



To add to what Ishara said, I think it's technically possible (after all, all the skyrim UI thingies are flash + scaleform and someone with sufficient skill in both could hack them up any which way) but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for such a mod.


I think the mod I linked to will do what you want.


Damn, I wish I was smart enough to figure it out myself, But thanks for the info guys. Hopefully, someone with mad skills finds this suggestion and makes it.

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